Monthly Archives: November 2009

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Little George, happy at last

CBC finds a place where George can do less harm. On the radio. Making introductions for other people who have actual creative talent. Expect The Mooseman to transport you to deep emotional (and dare we say philosophical) soundscapes where you’ll never want to go again.

Stay informed – stay upright!

From the Mercer Report on YouTube. Comment from skinnydipper08: “I can’t wait until the CBC interviews Rick Hansen.”

Crookshank copyedited

See? This is what happens when you get rid of the editors (in the union).

Muhammad Lila knows Toronto

As part of the new The National, reporters have been putting together low-rez promos featuring themselves (all with pre-roll CBC promos, so 2 promos for your money). Claire Martin talks about the weather. Rex Murphy talks about his innovative approach to incorporating E-mail into his broadcasts. And Muhammad Lila wants you to know he’s just […]

No clear answer

Did someone say “transparent”? The anchor desks are now see-through. The incompetence of management is obvious, and on full display. But other than that, in what way is the CBC News now “more transparent”? Wendy? Anyone?

A thought on making mistakes

90 Minutes Live with Hunter S. Thompson (1977)


Jesse Hirsh

“What they should have done is try something new. Something that reflected both the opportunities the internet has to offer, and its potential to bring real substance and investigative journalism back to televised news. A number of newspapers, like the Toronto Star, have returned to a heavy diet of investigative reports as a means of […]

CBCNN delivers one goofy maneuver every 30 minutes

Ten days later and the problems in the Control Room seem to have become a way of life for the most experienced broadcasting enterprise in the country.

Doesn’t take criticism well

Tough guy Richard Stursberg knows more about broadcasting than anyone else in this country, and he doesn’t care what you think. Having alienated every single person at the CBC (except one), he has no hesitation in doing the same with its audience. Got a complaint? He’ll insult your intelligence, and question your integrity for good […]

Either we suck, or this list sucks

The Canadian New Media Awards finalists were announced, and it’s a lot of websites no one uses, made by innovators that are spent out and sputtering for ideas. When K-os wins “Best Online Artist of the Year,” in 2009, it begs the question: “Does anyone else have any other ideas? Hello?” “Anyone?”

Peter McNelly

“As for The National, it looked like it had just awakened from a ten-year coma. Gone were the endless headlines. Gone, the faux Wagnerian splendor of the old set with the anchor enthroned in some Valhalla of the gods. Gone the bloated, dull news reports delivered in what seemed an interminable 2:45 seconds or more. […]

Howard Bernstein

“The folks who run CBC and CBC News are making complete asses of themselves with their responses to what I would consider a crisis or even a catastrophe.” – Howard Bernstein, Heads in the Sand at CBC