TeaMaker Twitter Lists

As everyone knows, we’ve all gone down the tweet hole, as twitter has become the true agenda setting media, especially when it is itself, the subject of discussion.

Here at The Tea Makers we’ve been playing with Twitter for a while, especially how it connects to our mission of Mirth, Mayhem, Links, & Quotes.

Inspired by our cousins at Mondoville, we’re now adding to our general curative offerings by making use of Twitter’s lists. The subcommittee otherwise known as The Tweet Makers has begun three new lists, that we hope provide a unique and contextual means of helping to further classify our fellow tweeters.

The first list we call: first up against the wall. This describes the people who we will be letting go once we return to power. Is there someone you want to see gone? Nominate them in the comments below.

The second list is a motley crew we call: douches, hipsters, and clowns. This describes people who may be one of these things, but in general fit a type of dominant tweeter archetype. This doesn’t mean we dislike these folk. For example we like @iancapstick quite a lot, he’s a wonderful tweeter, and also a definite hipster. Similarly we all love @petermansbridg in large part because he’s a wonderful clown. Let us also not forget the joy we all get laughing at internet douches. Know of any who should be on this list? Post them below with an argument as to why.

Finally our third list describes the type of people we seek out: sharp, sly, & sexy. Categories that bring @kady, @scroll, and @pmarizzle into the same feed! Once again, know of someone you think should be part of this list? Post a comment about them below telling us why. Note, this thread will be useless without pics!


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