Doesn’t take criticism well

Picture 7Tough guy Richard Stursberg knows more about broadcasting than anyone else in this country, and he doesn’t care what you think.
Having alienated every single person at the CBC (except one), he has no hesitation in doing the same with its audience.
Got a complaint? He’ll insult your intelligence, and question your integrity for good measure.
Faced with overwhelmingly bad reviews over changes to The National flagship news show, he lashed out at media scribes and the many comments offered up at the Corporation’s web site.

… while calling the criticism “pathetic” saying it “revolves around whether people are standing or sitting. One thing we should remember is that the papers are owned by our competitors… so I think you can draw your own conclusions about where they are going,” Stursberg said.

~ from a speech in Vancouver as reported by

He toned down the disdain just a touch in a written memo to staff …

“Don’t be worried about the cheap shots from some at our competitor news organizations. Remember it’s in their interest that we should fail. In a fast-changing game, we’re redefining how news is presented to Canadians. And big changes make big splashes. Don’t worry about the noise, which is already subsiding.”

Yep, those 300 comments viewers took the time to submit  (we value your feedback!) amount to nothing more than “cheap shots” and “noise”.
But then, the CBC Board of Directors did not hire Richard for his charm and diplomacy. That’s only required for figureheads like Hubert.
Lower level managers, whose jobs are less secure, are best to take cover behind a more courteous all-purpose response …

“We’re grateful that your reporters have taken the time to weigh in with their views of recent changes at CBC News, including CBC News Network and The National. We knew going in that many in our audiences would have an opinion and be happy to share it. In fact, we celebrate this extraordinary engagement as proof that Canadians have a strong connection with and sense of ownership about CBC News.”

~Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief, CBC News

Now that’s more like it. Upbeat and respectful.
Makes you feel like you’ve been handed a bouquet of flowers as security guards escort you out of the building.


  • Anonymous says:

    Anonymouseketeer, FUCK OFF.
    There’s plenty to criticize about Jennifer McGuire. She doesn’t have a clue what she is doing. She writes absolute shit about complaints being a great thing, like any fucking journalist is going to buy that crap. Her weight has nothing to do with her incompetence as a manager. You have lowered the bar by making such a low blow and personal jab. The only thing that comment says is that you are a fucking idiot.

  • Anonymouseketeer says:

    Jennifer is one of those fat bitches who can look you in the eye and be nice only because they are imagining that you are a big chocolate éclair.

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