Monthly Archives: November 2009

Yes, Interwoven can do that (for an extra $2mil)

The senior architect of front-end development at, frustrated with 3rd party software sales pitch bullshit, writes a web app for all your burning questions.

Cool, or what?

Cudmore spots the obvious. Then uses it as a teachable moment. Stephen looks as comfortable on the water as he does behind a desk.

the AngloPhone comes with printer

He saw the RDI set-up, managed to get to an inkjet printer, then waited close by until the moment was live. Why didn’t he just yell like normal people do?

That’s Pröféssör Fake Ouimet, to you

Fake Ouimet is turned down for a job teaching journalism at Ryerson, presumably for “not going to the right parties,” despite being able to “do the job better than anybody in town.” Also, children love him.

but … but that’s Jian’s moment to shine

From a Tweet … From this morning’s edition of “Q” … “What an intro! That was like 20 minutes there.” ~ Jason Jones, because he’s more than the husband of Samantha Bee “Hello, wow, that was a long intro” ~ Dr. David Suzuki, because people listening to the CBC might not know who he is


UPDATED! with new videos A vote for Kevin is a vote for ‘the children’ … Hands down the most entertaining 30 minutes in the 24-hour News Network cycle. Smart and witty, O’Leary and Lang give every appearance of enjoying themselves while providing insight into the complex world of business. Learning and laughs, some examples from […]

who knew Business News was such a hoot

Take it the X is for … extra fun!

Lawrence Solomon

“You probably missed my heated on-air debate Thursday morning with Anna Maria Tremonti, host of CBC’s The Current. You certainly missed my superheated off-air debate in her studio immediately afterwards, when Tremonti lit into me for my skepticism of global warming orthodoxy. I don’t recall being berated after an interview by a broadcaster before, certainly […]

Big Issues, Small Explanations

Melissa’s report is a very superficial review of of both sides of the current controversy. It “looks” credible, as do a lot of the CBC news reports, but is woefully insufficient in helping people arrive at an informed opinion. You need to sit through a couple of hours of the CRTC hearings to really begin […]

it’s that time again …

You can go here and ELF YOURSELF! (You’ll need a good internet connection … and probably be the only person in the world accessing these pages …) SINGING! DANCING!

CBC reporter thinks he’s part of the story

Huh??? That is one strange headline from James Cudmore. Do you hate your job so much, Jim, that its become personal? Who elected you? What difference do you make to the running of Canada or the Afghanistan mission? Not even a real journalist like Bob Woodward would have the nerve to write a headline like […]

Denis McGrath

Our entire industry could potentially go into the toilet. I’m not that Apocalyptic about my side of it because I think that, you know, I think that I’m in a good position. I create content, I make something for a living … ~  a screenwriter & blogger differentiates himself from the 600,000 other people who […]

News Network Blacked Out, No One Notices

The timing couldn’t have been worse for a technical glitch by Rogers that prevented parts of Toronto from seeing the final live airing of Battle of the Blades. But going largely unreported was that channel 26 also disappeared. For 45 minutes on Monday night, cable subscribers could watch anything they wanted, except the CBC.

News Rehab

Two things about the CBC News division have become obvious to everyone in the country. CBC news coverage is more impotent than ever, and the person largely responsible for it is in denial.
 And it’s a bit puzzling how it came to be that way.
 What caused the best journalists, the most competent and well-equipped […]