Monthly Archives: October 2009

Bluff-calling exercise

Not just an open call for guest posts – a targetted call for them

Corpse actually in hole $221M

What’s another $50 million between friends? Next time, add in severance costs

Exeunt Daun Meiseneur

Bizarre Dan Misener photo

An open letter to the President from concerned CBC staff

Open letter to Hubie about Stursberg and Linder

‘If you’re under 30 and want a career in television or new media, leave now’

Jim Henshaw takes the Canada Media Fund out to the woodshed

‘Being Erica’ has a LiveJournal

And she’s it’s gonna use it!

Music to listen to while sipping your Starbucks en route to your yoga class

Being Erica soundtrack exists

I’ll Hoof and I’ll pouf and I’ll blow your house down

Jesse Brown, treyf Twit

No Tea Makers for the Other Solitude

SCRC reaches deal with Radio-Canada

Respected muzungu

Saša Petričić teaches Rwandans journalism

Separated at birth?

Early precursor to the Exploding Pizza or mere coïncidence?

Erin Karpluk

“At the time when we were shooting it, I remember thinking… one of the camera guys looked at me and said: ‘This is… this is good, right?’ ”

Do not want

Unappetizing prospect: “Chris Hedges and Adam Sternbergh debate contemporary pop culture.”

Paul McGrath

“Listen, you write a blog. I write a blog. I’m not envious or jealous or your blog, in fact I don’t care about your blog, how about you not care about mine.” – Official CBC blogger Paul Mcgrath responds to criticism

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