Medium Close-Up on “CBC News Lite”

Howard Bernstein rounds up what he and his old-tyme (anonymous) news chums are saying about the revamped The National. It’s pretty much what everyone else is saying.

He also quotes a rumour that “over 700 comments came in to CBC after night one and all but 30 were negative,” 27 of which were probably written by Denis McGrath.


  • Actually, I just got hipped to this thread by a Google alert. Sorry to disappoint yous, but I don’t spend much or -er- any time thinking about The Teamakers anymore.

    But I’m more than content letting the comments in this thread stand for themselves. Anonymous attack that’s supposed to wound the person who actually sticks his neck out there? Yawn. Try again, baby.

    As for Allan? Well, anybody who doesn’t discern the guy’s basic mental cant from his screed there isn’t worth a bit of bother anyway. See, in the real world, a guy like me and a guy like Howard Bernstein — my mentor & one of the guys who gave me my first breaks in the biz — can have all sorts of interesting disagreements without it devolving into a bunch of poo-slinging. Henshaw, too. You Grade 7 girls should try that in your little online slam book sometime. Might clear the gunk from your pores.

    Toodle-oo, haters!


  • Anonymous says:

    “Joe Clark” and “civility” don’t belong in the same sentence. When Joe says “civility,” he means that he should be able to sling whatever bile he wants and anybody pointing out what a miserable excuse for a human being he is should have their comments deleted.

    I wonder if he’s ever thought for even half a minute about what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of his nasty, self-justifying commentary.

  • Anon! Y! Mous! says:

    And here we go, post-Joe, post-civility, into round 2 of the ad hominem McGrath attacks. It’s been great fun watching you TM guys rip into each other for the past month or two, I was expecting the bile to be flung outward again once the Stalinist purges were complete. And…ta dah! Here we are! Like old times!

    • Allan says:

      McGrath getting the boot from the Republic set was pretty sweet.
      What lesson he learned from the experience remains to be seen, but one thing is apparent.
      Denis is now using every opportunity to restore his reputation by kissing up to the CBC.
      Any little joke here is minor compared to the way he’s humiliating himself on his blog.

      His basic tune has always been “don’t you people understand how important I am? My brain is bigger than all of you put together! I’m a writer. That’s the skill that is the key to everything. I control everything that happens.
      One day I will become King and rule the land of TV Drama, and all of you will realize I am superior to you, and regret that you didn’t bow down to me much earlier in my career.
      You’re all fools to not see what’s right in front of you!.
      Except the ones that write nice things about me, of course.
      Like students who try to ingratiate themselves with me in the hope of getting tips and guidance for finding work in the writing biz, eager to step over and be rid of me while taking the assignments that should rightfully be mine.”
      Shall I go on?
      “so what if a show actually does better after they fire me”
      Gee, do you think I have the potential to write dialogue for one of Denis’s scripts?
      I’ve been thinking that Denis and I could create a new drama/sitcom that’s a bit of a Beachcombers for adults. It takes place on Toronto Island ….

    • Anonymous says:

      Happy Halloween, Denis!
      Although this is an obvious costume. Whenever Denis McGrath is mentioned on this blog, along comes an Anon with a writing style very similar to Denis McGrath, to write the first comment, defending Denis McGrath.

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