CBC not what the boss expected

That’s the headline from The Windsor Star.


“I was surprised at the layers of approval one has to go through to be able to manage,” he said.

“There is an inability to turn around if there is an issue or a problem that needs fixing,” said Lacroix.


  • anon says:

    Extra layers of management have been added on Hubie’s watch.

  • cbc ontario says:

    Never gonna happen at the Mother Corp.

  • Anon says:

    Since Mother Corp CBC slavishly copies Auntie BBC
    see details of

    Trust agrees 25 per cent cut in BBC senior management pay bill
    29 October 2009
    The BBC Trust has agreed to proposals put forward by the BBC Executive
    to cut the amount the BBC spends on paying its senior managers by 25
    per cent over the next three and a half years.

    The Trust has also endorsed a new pay strategy for senior managers
    joining the BBC and agreed to the proposal to freeze the pay of
    Executive Board directors for a further three years.

    In February this year the Trust set the Executive a challenge to
    review the BBC’s approach to remuneration, recognising the wider
    economic climate, the expectations of licence fee payers, and the
    BBC’s own efficiency targets.

    The Executive responded by setting up a far-reaching remuneration
    review, which reported today. The main proposals are:
    * To cut the BBC senior management pay bill by 25 per cent over the
    next three and a half years (i.e. by 31 July 2013)
    * To seek to reduce total numbers of senior managers by 18 per cent
    within three and a half years
    * To freeze the pay of Executive Directors and members of the BBC
    Direction Group for a further three years (making four years of
    freeze in all). This will apply also to the Director-General
    * To confirm the indefinite suspension of bonuses for all Executive
    Directors and members of the BBC Direction Group
    * To suspend bonuses for other directors and senior managers for a
    further two years
    * To freeze senior management salaries for a further year beyond the
    freeze for the current year (i.e. to at least August 2011).

    Alongside these measures, the new remuneration policy sets out:
    * A clear and explicit discount against the private sector when
    setting senior manager pay
    * A review of all senior manager posts when they become vacant
    * A strategy for growing talent within the BBC to the senior
    management ranks, reducing the percentage of external hires
    * A recognition that within the BBC there are a number of different
    markets for staff and the approach to pay will be differentiated
    to reflect that.

    Implementation of these proposals will fall to the Director-General,
    but the Trust will keep the position under review in its regular
    meetings with him to ensure that the BBC continues to be able to
    deliver the high quality services that Licence Fee payers rightly

    BBC Trust Chairman, Sir Michael Lyons, said:
    …. etc.

    “Notes for editors: There are currently nine Executive Board directors; they are most
    senior BBC executives and include the Director-General. There are 634
    senior manager posts in the Corporation’s public service operations.
    The current total pay bill for Executive Board directors and senior
    managers is around £79m.”
    …. and more details….

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    Thinning of the management hoi polloi is a good place to begin the next round of cuts, oops work force adjustments, coming sooner than you think.

    When/if the conventional broadcasters loose the fee for carriage fight the Corp will use it as fodder to eviscerate what is left of the proletariat .

  • Roger says:

    “By eliminating manpower to reduce costs, you end up adding to your severance costs, and that creates a debt spiral.”

    As one of the eliminated, thanks for pointing out the obvious.

    And doing nothing.

    You want to change the way it works? Change it. Get rid of the 1 or 2 people who are causing all of this multi-layered inability to make a decision. Give people budgets early enough to execute on them, give them a direction, empower your managers, trust your employees. You’d be amazed at what the smart people in the building (those who remain) can do.

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