Stand and deliver and Twitter

Peter Mansbridge and Kim Fox stand about six feet from each other
larrylarry: Simply put: #awkward #cbc #mansbridge

RobboMills: CBC News revamp =  Big-Ass Fucking Fail

You don’t know the half of it. We cut out the Suhana Meharchand nip slip.

jcarruthers: Re: CBC changes. Hello, infotainment. Goodbye, democracy

Hello, infomocracy. Goodbye, edutainment. How do you do, democrotainment?
We can do this all day if you want.

mkuplens: Looking at the typographical side of things, the CBC basically picked up a copy of the ‘Guardian' and said “Here, let's use this”?

Font? Did someone say f-f-f-f-font?

Tea Makers has been tracking down the genus and species. We have two posts on the subject. One compares the font to a wang, the other compares it to a prenuptial fundraising ritual. More on this as it develops. Typography-based public-broadcasting journalism is part of our new mandate.

kimfox: CBC has a live chat going during Question Period!

Wow, just in time to answer my first question: “Who cares, jagoff?”

cgarbutt: Um, why the change in name from Newsworld to CBC News Network? Was the original name not boring enough?

Point well taken.
A name like “cigarbutt” would be much more interesting.

cbc_WendyMesley: Launch day! Tonight we are thinking about three topics for the show. Vote for your pick at

You know it’s going to be a hell of a launch day when you can’t even tweet the URL of your own Web site properly.

edlynne: My, the hate-on btwen Wendy Mesley and Mansbridge is palpable on ‘The National.' Uncomfy

No comment.

RobboMills: Mansbridge looks like he's working at a car-rental counter

OK, that was funny.

RobboMills: ‘And that's the news. Do you want fries with that?'

Hey hey hey! That’s my democracy you’re making fun of here!
Show a little respect!


  • Anonymous says:

    The outft does not exactly scream confident national reporter to me. A burlap sack would look better. Terrible outfit.

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    Looks like Kelly Crowe (sp?) in comfortable shoes.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yikes! Who is that Peter is talking to and what the HELL is she (?) wearing??? I don’t even know where to begin… but oh dear, the shoes the shoes the shoes….

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