‘I don’t want to hear their opinions’

Participants of CONNECT with Mark Kelly can keep their opinions to themselves.

– Mark demonstrates how he sorts and discards your worthless opinions. Speculation goes to the other side.

“What I want to do is be talking to the other people, the everyday Canadians who are directly connected to the stories. The people who are making news out there. I want to get them to share their experience to really help us explain what the news is all about. I don’t want to hear their opinions. I don’t want to have speculation. I want to talk to people about what they are living and what they are learning from their experience.”


  • Manx says:

    I think what he was trying to say, very awkwardly, was that he wants to interview “everyday Canadians” about things that affect them directly, things that they are able to form a reasonably informed opinion about. I think he means that he doesn’t want to interview people about stuff like “What do you think of Stephen Harper?” or “What should the Liberals do?”

  • The makeover seems to be attempting to copy of the American newscast CNN with Mr. Blitzer in the Situation room as most stand up. CNN has the budget to obtain news all over the globe and is not as repititous as CBC. Always room for improvement and the reporters should be reporting news and not slanting it. Good Luck.

  • Anonymous says:

    uh, all I can say is, HUH?

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Welcome back, Kotter.

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