‘If you’re under 30 and want a career in television or new media, leave now’

Jim Henshaw’s blistering diatribe against the Canada Media Fund:

I don’t know where you should go. I don’t know if your best destination is L.A. or Australia or London or Hong Kong. But leave now. And once you get where you think you can make a go of it, write James Munro, our Heritage Minister, and let him know that his country will have to do without your innovation and your imagination. Tell him you wanted to stay, but these junkies were stealing all your stuff and even taking the food off your shelf in the fridge, although they had more than enough of their own.

Tell him you’ll come back if he can get the broadcasters off the public teat, get them to clean up their act and contribute to society and the business the way the rest of us do, instead of being the self-centred pigs that they are, squeezing producer budgets so some shows aren’t even paying people minimum wage or they’re working for credits.

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