Did you miss them?

Steven and Chris to come back after all. (A nice counterbalance to the sausagefest that is Battle of the Gay Blades?) It’s only happening because of “sponsors” (“product integration”?) and hoped-for ad sales.

But what has the long-term couple been doing all this time? “Sabados and Hyndman… have taken holidays and travelled in the period since the show was put on hiatus.”


  • Anon says:

    Too bad they sold the set pieces. Probably could have saved some cash by keeping it around for the few months. Oops.

  • CBCBS says:

    Funny, after taping their last show these two could be seen with bags and bags of free stuff, including blu-ray players, walking out the Front st entrance

  • Anonymous says:

    ounterbalance to the sausagefest?
    S&C is a show with 2 guys. that’s the definition of sausagefest

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    Will the CBC or a product integrator send Steve & Chris down to participate the in the Disney Santa Claus parade again with their segments shot weeks prior to the Christmas decorations and parade being recorded by Disney?

    Look for the next brilliant idea from 50% bonus gang. Resurrect Bruno Gerussi for a Beachcombers reunion.

    Relic, Jesse?

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