Go generate your own damn content

Some people don’t like sharing their views, even when prodded multiple times over three days.

Why doesn’t the CBC just steal more recipes from Epicurious and get it over with?


  • Anonnynonny says:

    Anon @ 6:44

    Ouch because it’s true.

  • Corrie Docktro says:

    Actually, I think it’s pretty badass how the Corp is using managers to post social networking ‘content’. Way to break into the brave new world of content delivery and bypass antiquated talent and labour regulations!

    Can’t afford a host? Get a manager to post!

    Advertising budgets leaving you bitter? Get a middle manager to promo on Twitter!

  • anon says:

    Not true. The numbers for Dragon’s Den and Battle of Blades indicate that the CBC has found another, more substantial audience. It’s those very Tim Horton’s buyers so beloved by Stursberg and Steve Harper. Stop fooling yourself, Canada is not a very sophisticated place, its national public broadcaster should reflect that.

  • Anonymous says:

    Painful is the correct word to use. No one has any respect or interest in the CBC anymore – not in ‘any’ of the platforms.

  • Anonymous says:


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