Shitcanning shitcanned

“I do not foresee any additional cuts,” Hubie tells Establishment social club during its liquid lunch.


  • CBCBS says:

    And the notices have already gone out it seems

  • CBCBS says:

    Funny this came yesterday, when there was also a meeting yesterday for a new department where the dept head said he’d be lying if he said there wouldn’t be layoffs. Nice.

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    About time St Hubert stop the blood letting after bouncing hundreds out the door.

    Anchors a plenty on Newsworld and the brass hires Anne Marie Mediwake who left Global last month to “spend more time with her family”. With Canwest filing for bankruptcy protection it was a good thing she got the shove from Global.
    I do like her work and think she will bring some needed talent to Newsworld.

    Crossing my fingers Anne Marie replaces the weekday mid afternoon anchor. The former What’s New anchor is painful to listen to. Her show is nothing more than visual radio with pre-taped interviews from coast to coast.

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