Quoi, Denis?

I do not understand this posting.

Does anybody?

Has Denis read the Tea Makers since the Great Reformation?


  • Meta Meta Teamkaers says:

    Welcome, Meta Teamkers refugees!

  • Anonymous says:

    I don’t know, Joe. Maybe we could understand if you didn’t feel that it was okay to instantly delete any comment that pointed out when you or your cronies were wrong or had your head up your ass. Way to move the debate along.

    • Fake Ouimet says:

      No, those aren’t the comments I delete. For example, I haven’t deleted yours.

      Now, if the complaint is “We can no longer say whatever we want in comments!” then that complaint is valid. You can’t.

  • Anonymous says:

    Seems pretty simple to me. He’s saying since Joe took over this place sucks. Not exactly revolutionary. So many agree.

    Also when every linkfarm post comes via Fake Ouimet except oh lo and behold the one that takes cheap shots at him imagine! The! Surprise! When he takes aim at your glass house?

    Michael Ignatieff

    • Fake Ouimet says:

      He’s saying since Joe took over this place sucks. Not exactly revolutionary. So many agree.

      So you say. But have any of those people been reading this site in the last month?

      • Kev says:

        I have – I haven’t seen anything that Denis hasn’t covered. I haven’t seen anything particularly insightful. And I’ve seen an awful lot that would turn me off contributing or trying to improve the tone.

        • Fake Ouimet says:

          I’m pretty sure you’ve never actually liked anything here, Kev. Not that it matters.

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