There. I said it

Being Erica:

  • is a science-fiction series starring a girl
  • is about a girl who acts like a ditz because all she can do is parrot the catchphrases and mannerisms of flibbertigibbets she saw on TV, but still, she crosses timelines without batting an eye
  • features a parade of boyfriends so generic they all blend into a hairless metrosexual mass
  • goes where it has to, killing people off or dallying with hot lesbo action
  • imagines Canadian book publishing as a viable arena for authors who aren’t already famous
  • doesn’t apologize to those crybaby Regions for being set in glorious cosmopolitan Toronto
  • makes Toronto look pretty good, actually
  • doesn’t let Michael Riley be quite as dashing as he could be, and leaves him unnecessarily clothed
  • somehow came up with the money to license crucially necessary pop tunes de l’époque
  • features – unlike so much Canadian programming – actual plot
  • forces you to confront the dichotomy between the public posture you think you have to take vs. how much you privately like it

Being Erica. The best Canadian show.

I’m sorry. It is. And I’m not even hot for girls.

1 Comment

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    Due to complaints from the regions Being Erica location is being moved to Woodstock, New Brunswick. Also dropping the time travel aspect. Erica will work at an Esso/Tim Hortons on highway 2. Most story lines will focus on Erica, her co workers and generic customers complaining about how no one stops to visit New Brunswick and tourist just drive through on their way to PEI or Nova Scotia. As per every show based out side of Toronto may jokes will be made at the expense of people in Ontario.

    The brain trust on the 7th floor.

    P.S. We’re only getting 50% of our bonuses this year but that’s OK as we are all well into six figures when it comes to our income. Also our parking is paid for, most of our meals, internet & cable at home, and when we travel nothing but first class while most CBC staff are required to use steerage.

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