CBC partners with TD Bank for all bank-related product placement on CBC-TV

“CBC delivers quality Canadian programming to its viewers and we are excited to be a part of it in this new integration,” says Dominic Mercuri, TD Canada Trust’s Chief Marketing Officer. “TD Canada Trust plays a role, big and small in the lives of many Canadians, so it should feel natural for the audience to see us play a similar role in the lives of some of the most popular CBC characters.”


1 Comment

  • rooster with the harp says:

    Anyone remember the placement of Cleartech [Canadian] acne cream along with Quaker Chewy Dipps granola bars in almost every episode of Degrassi High? These products never made their way into storylines, however. I will forgive CBC only if they have Erica to appear in a time travel scene wearing the same over-sized Cleartech t-shirt Caitlin wore to Melanie’s slumber party. Yes, the one where everyone got high off Yick’s pot, even the Greek girl.

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