Publicly-funded works should be released to the public domain

Jesse Brown makes the case:

I’d love to link to these shows now, but I can’t. They were never posted online or offered as podcasts. I tried posting them on my personal Web site, and was instructed to take them down by CBC management. I was told I was violating their copyright.


  • Anonymous says:

    i know. yokel. i heard them too. terrible and infuriating fake controversy. lack of depth. oh…he was a simpleton all along. right.

  • LocalYokel says:

    Perhaps neither you listened to the Hip Hop episode of the “Contrarians” summer series. That would answer a few questions about Brown’s gift for ignorance.

    Ahem, allow me to paraphrase the entire half hour show:
    “I’m Jesse Brown, on CBC radio and I – a white jewish dude – enjoy hip hop music. Hip hop will change the world, and in fact has already changed the world.”

    Then there was the show about how feminism was dead. His sister made an appearence in that one, I think.

    Brown has made the point that “Contrarians” is not availible to enjoy now and at least he’s talking about online intellectual property rights. Listen to Spark lately, the “tech” show?

  • Anonymous says:

    i’m surprised jb is such a simpleton.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Yes, one hears this quite a lot from copyleftists, of whom Jesse fancies himself a leader. As ’œpublicly-funded works’ comprise essentially all television series, feature films, and small-press books and magazines in Canada, that’™s a lot of individual authors’™ distinct works he wants to give over to ’œthe public.’

    In the CBC case, the fact that the Corpse takes public money would mean that every independent producer, presumably including producers of Hollywood movies and The Ghost Whisperer, would relinquish their copyright to ’œthe public domain’Â just by authorizing broadcast on CBC.

    As well-thought-out a plan as one would expect, I guess.

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