Flinchers early on

Mary Jane Miller, in Turn Up the Contrast (q.v.), recounts this anecdote from the series Eyeopener (1965):

Eyeopener was responsible for the promulgation of Prizek’s Law, which is… that “you must not screen a producer’s show [before it is aired] without the producer being present.” […]

At 5:00 PM on the day the first show of the anthology was to be broadcast, [director Mario] Prizek ran into a publicity man who asked him what show was replacing the one cancelled for that night. Prizek knew nothing of this. It transpired that network management had cold feet over “A Borderline Case,” a satire on Quebec separatism featuring the then-largely-unknown Second City troupe. Presented as a documentary, it took as its premise the fact of a nuclear explosion…. Prizek: “They regarded it as dangerous political propaganda.” “They” included… a new administration up the line beginning to twitch about the controversies surrounding This Hour Has Seven Days.

“They” pulled the show…. Prizek’s response to “this league of frightened men” was, as he recalled: “Gentlemen, I cannot predict the vagaries of the CBC far enough ahead to do a thirteen-week series.” Thereupon he resigned.


Who can nonlibellously update and rewrite this scenario using contemporary names, series titles, and situations?


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