OTW2: Reprogram the movies

Welcome, a day or eight late and a dollar short, to the second instalment of Open Thread Weekendsâ„¢.

Today we revisit a topic the Tea Makers has covered before – late-night movies. They’re kind of a wasteland at the moment, though now for the new reason that the same set of movies gets rerun over and over again. Godzilla features (cute the first time), Man Without a Past, The Good Girl, 9 to 5, Minority Report, old Hitchcock… yes, we have in fact seen those already.

If we view Mondays as foreign-film night and Thursdays as Canadian-film night (not a ghetto!), your mission is to program four or preferably eight pictures in either or both categories. Give us a nice mix of cerebral/“important” and fun/enjoyable.

If we can have a Godzilla set, then we can have a chop-socky set, an Australian set, a Swedish-detective-mystery set, something that looks like Showcase on Monday nights circa 2000 – you name it.

Remember, either foreign-movie night or Canadian-movie night or both. Limitation: Hard Core Logo may appear no more than once.


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