What planet is Pratt on? And what visionary gobbledygook do you need to be a “boss†at the CBC?
What impressive qualifications do you need to manage a radio station where younger people push buttons that play music for several minutes?
A radio station that has no sales dept.
A radio station where the content doesn’t even have to be liked.
But a radio station with a million dollar budget.
Almost free money, if it weren’t for the “political’ strings attached.
As long as you’re acceptable to Stephen Harper, you can work at the CBC. Even if you sometimes say some rather dumb things.

Radio is not radio?
That sounds like the same catchy nonsense that Tod Maffin spouts.
Steve Pratt, the boss at CBC Radio 3, says that Radio 3 isn’t really a radio station…. Pratt says that Radio 3 is more like an ecosystem – an organic community.
The use of the word ecosystem as applied to an enterprise (be it a radio station or a prison or the Amazon jungle) brings to mind the movie Silent Running (YouTube) where people lived encased in a glass dome situated in outer space, presumably climate-controlled.
Steve can’t be entirely blamed for thinking this way.
If you work inside either the Vancouver or the Toronto CBC buildings you may be forgiven if you begin to see yourself living in a controlled environment enclosed in a dome, created by some distant benign Big Brother, far removed from the real world.
There is no doubt that Pratt believes in strongly in online distribution, but only to an extent. For instance, he doesn’t believe the Web should be a dumping ground for content.
And what’s wrong with being a dumping ground for content? Like, why not?
Has Steve ever heard of the internet being a delivery system?
So what justifies referring to the delivery truck as a dump truck?
And you know, you can find a lot of neat things in a dumpster, etc etc etc.
He said on his blog in May, regurgitating TV or radio content online is a bad strategy because it doesn’t necessarily address what the audience wants. “It is this ease of ‘copying and pasting’ content on the Web that often leads to a lack of thinking about serving the unique needs of the audience online,†Pratt wrote.
But, Stephen, the online audience wants radio and TV online.
It wants all access to all content for free everywhere, and it wants everything.
Danish TV on my iPhone.
Los Angeles live hookup to Strombo to see if he’s landed a real job yet.
Walking down Yonge Street and doing two-way video with a friend in New York.
We want it all, man.
Mr. Pratt, you’re running a radio station, ok?
True, you’re hoping to reach an entire planet with weird Canadian music, and good luck with that, but it’s basically radio that you’re doing, and you should focus on that or why bother.
All of this puts Pratt in an interesting position. As the director of CBC Radio 3, he wants to avoid being saddled with corporate-wide solutions that don’t met his needs and he wants to try to experiment as much as possible. This sometimes puts Radio 3 at odds with CBC corporate mandates.
Pratt is at odds with the CBC mandate?
No, he’s at odds with the CBC corporate mandate.
He doesn’t want to be “saddled with corporate-wide solutions.â€
Yet his only mandate/job is to play music that’s created by Canadians, and making sure that it’s of interest to even fewer people than the music they play on Radio 2.
And now, your moment of DUH…
But as Pratt says “a one-size fits all solution for the creation and distribution of digital content isn’t sufficient and can possibly hamper your success and growth.â€
Yes, Steve, we all love the new iPhone.
“nobody gave them a licence to run an all-indie-rock station and call the general problem of radio settled.”
Uh, in fact, that’s exactly the license senior management gave them. The issue is that management are idiots, not that R3 is has somehow gone rogue. R3 sucks, but it’s supposed to suck. It’s a design feature.
The comments have run a fairly broad gamut, and veered off to web design and the merits of a kind of music, and we’re all grateful to each of you. Some of it has been brilliant and hilarious.
seriously, who listens to this crap?
and there’s so much of it.
how much of a loser do you have to be to have time in your life to listen to this stuff?
let’s remove all the people in the audience that have a vested interest in this little enterprise called Radio 3.
that means all the bands and their friends
now what are you left with?
a few desperate, unimaginative, boring people
like joe, for example (I’m kidding joe! ha… ha)
who are extremely passionate about the club (R3) that they feel they’re a part of, to the extent of becoming rabid about crappy music, as if the crappier it is the cooler it is.
they think they’ll find the next Nirvana
the next Alanis
and they’ll do it way ahead of the rest of us,
Steve Pratt will lead the way, as we immerse ourselves more deeply in his bullshit
Radio 3 exists solely because of a legal obligation to provide Canadian content to the Sirius satellite service.
The CBC is part owner of this service because (a) the government demanded it, and (b) partnering with an existent and proven broadcaster was the cheapest and only viable way to get the service off the ground in Canada.
There’s a channel for aboriginal music.
Of course.
But there’s no talk.
No original Canadian public affairs show.
No geek channel.
Radio 3 has a simple job, play records.
And because they have the luxury of too much free money, they can spend time making the task as complicated as their little hearts desire.
No one cares. No one.
It’s still just marketing music, and an idle distraction.
Three people could run that radio station. A twelve-hour tape loop of the same music would not make any difference to its audience.
But the CBC can afford to dress it up, create databases, blogs, and all things digital to try everything in the book to gather and hold an audience. And it means nothing.
Because all anyone wants, expects and allows you to do is … play records.
And play them on a service that no one listens to.
All Steve can do is play records of music that no one cares about.
It’s no wonder he’s frustrated, with everything but his paycheque, and how easy it was to get it.
Leaving him with plenty of time to sit around thinking ecologically, and make organic emissions to the world.
A mandatory program on a mandatory service, because without Sirius there wouldn’t be a CBC Radio 3.
And the public wouldn’t have to pay for people to attend meetings where they have to listen to such Prattle.
Let me start a new thread here.
I mentioned in a previous comment that we had already had a spirited discussion of CBCR3 a few months ago. We’™re having another one now. Allan and I don’™t have the same opinion on the subject. He just seems constitutionally opposed to CBC mandarins who get too big for their britches (as he sees it).
Neither of us likes the R3 Web site. I doubt they like it either, John’™s half-hearted defence notwithstanding. Fine, they’™ll relaunch eventually. I’™m sure it will be better. But MySpace has nothing to do with it, and number of developers little.
CBC Radio 2 is no longer an all-classical-music narrowcaster. It now attempts to broaden its narrowcasting by mixing and matching genres within certain shows, a programming philosophy that works well at a world-music festival but not so well in the real world. Plus there’™s still lots of classical music.
An issue I continue to have with R3 is that its management, and CBC’™s, seem incapable of recognizing that R3 is a specific form of narrowcasting and not any kind of solution to whatever problem Rs 1 and 2 have. If the problem was that CBC Radio listeners were so old they were dying off, the solution is not to hand the keys to a bunch of ’œyoung’ people (now in their 30s) to operate an all-indie-rock station. The inverse of wall-to-wall classical is not wall-to-wall indie rock. All-classical plus all-indie does not add up to a complete music service. They are not two parts of a whole.
Skill-testing question for hysterical R3 defenders: Would you still hysterically defend Radio 3 if it aired a genre of music you didn’™t like? What if CBC Radio 3 were all happy hardcore all the time? Would R3 still be a good idea? Or did you preferred genre just happen to win the lottery? (It wasn’™t a lottery. It was straight-up rock snobbery. But that doesn’™t change the question.)
The resolution to this issue takes the form of doing more of what the CBC is already doing ’“ launching genre-specific Web streams. In this case, to say the same thing easily a fourth time, why can’™t we have CBC Radios 5 through 9 and beyond? And to revisit the older discussion, what exactly is your problem with the idea of an all-dance-music CBC Radio stream? You’™d still have Radio 3 and could safely ignore this Radio 5. Buy what’™s your objection to the idea ’“ beyond ’œthat kind of music sucks’?
“Skill-testing question for hysterical R3 defenders: Would you still hysterically defend Radio 3 if it aired a genre of music you didn’™t like? What if CBC Radio 3 were all happy hardcore all the time? Would R3 still be a good idea? Or did you preferred genre just happen to win the lottery? (It wasn’™t a lottery. It was straight-up rock snobbery. But that doesn’™t change the question.)”
Independent music contains many different genres of music. “Indie music” is an umbrella term for music that is made ‘independently’ or without the aid of giant music conglomerates. Granted, some of the music on R3 comes from established artists like Metric and K-OS, but it also plays a lot of music that wouldn’t be heard elsewhere.
If you look at New Music Canada you’ll find many different genres of independent music: metal, rock, folk, world, jazz, blues, children’s music, etc and so on. And if it’s happy hardcore you’re after, they have that, too. Lucky! Your hysterical lottery-winning R3 defenders analogy doesn’t really make sense.
What on earth did those crazy “young people” at Radio 3 do to you? Did they snub you at a Christmas party or something? Did they refuse to play “Night Moves” for you?
Give us a break, Peanut Butter & Jam. Metric and K-OS are ringers. R3 is an indie-rock playground.
Anon 11:03,
You state above ” This blog has become so disappointing. When the REAL Ouimet was writing, there were often smart observations, hard truths, and humour. Now there’™s a full-time anti-CBC attitude from Allan and Joe, who seem to write out of a desire to be spiteful, mean, and provide no solutions to anything being criticized. No good press, good deed, or well-intentioned action can go unpunished ’“ how exactly is this helpful to anyone, especially the CBC?”
Exactly what do you expect. Let me give you some facts…
the CBC is full of poster child idiots, who by the way have no idea of the English language at all, this is embarrassing for the cbc…no? So why don’t you fix this by hiring some people with…god forbid, dare I say…EDUCATION!!!! and please pass this message along to all the people who write the news on the teleprompters. This should not be difficult…you would think.
Second, there is a very large management problem, namely too many managers who have no idea what they are doing, i.e., K.L.
Third, the CBC has been having a substance problem lately, all fluff, no meat.
So why are we not all holding hands singing the Barney song?? Because the CBC has problems, big problems and it’s quickly becoming the laughing stock of the media. Sorry some people are being as you say mean…but time to get a backbone, and if not stick to Barney.
Pot, I’d like you to meet Kettle, or “Fake Ouimet” as his/her birth cert clearly states.
and the comment from July 21 above about Jian’s “immigrant smarm” and George’s “Ukranian weight gain” is truly disgusting – but also pretty revealing. this goes beyond the usual shit about their “funny names” you generally hear and cuts to the ugly core.
One anonymous coward is hardly in a position to inveigh against another. You want accountability? Sign your name.
“You want accountability? Sign your name.”
I don’t suppose you see the irony in this.
Once again Tea Makers slams someone at the CBC who is trying to do things a little bit differently, while offering zero constructive criticism.
This blog purports to look at the CBC from a different perspective, but too often it just reflects all the usual things that keeps the status quo so dreary: pettiness, jealousy, gossip, fear and distrust, management by committee, generation gap-driven misunderstandings. All the things that stop people from sticking their necks out and trying to do anything different are manifested in this blog.
I have no problem with a reasoned critique of R3, The Hour, or Q (to name your favourite whipping boys of the moment). That needs to happen to make them better. And they could be better, no doubt. What doesn’t help is the constant name-calling, personal attacks, and juvenile ridicule.
This blog contributes to a culture of stagnation and mediocrity at the CBC, while all the while bemoaning the same state of affairs. Posts like this one should do nothing more than reassure Pratt that he’s doing his job.
Our ’œreasoned critique,’Â as enunciated by more than one writer, is as follows: R3’™s site sucks and nobody gave them a licence to run an all-indie-rock station and call the general problem of radio settled.
This blog has become so disappointing. When the REAL Ouimet was writing, there were often smart observations, hard truths, and humour. Now there’s a full-time anti-CBC attitude from Allan and Joe, who seem to write out of a desire to be spiteful, mean, and provide no solutions to anything being criticized. No good press, good deed, or well-intentioned action can go unpunished – how exactly is this helpful to anyone, especially the CBC?
Allan & Joe, I think it would be nice for you to explain your own vast experience working in digital content and strategy (other than this increasingly boring blog…). We’d all LOVE to know what gives you the insight and knowledge to loathe everything else out there so smugly and confidently. Please enlighten us with some of the successful digital or content-related projects that you have led. Please tell us how your people skills and leadership abilities have helped make a project hit a tight deadline or work with no budget. Please tell us how you’ve innovated and done something other than copycat others. And please tell us how much it cost and what your traffic numbers were like.
(PS: I know these brilliant digital success stories are out there for both of you. The proof is in the pudding – congratulations for taking only four years to get your own domain name and move onto wordpress…)
We know half of you are disappointed. The question becomes: Why are you still reading?
And the expression is ’œThe proof of the pudding is in the taste.’ Puddings do not contain proof(s).
Too true Joe, the features John describes were actually implemented by a core team of 3 in Myspace, on their lunchbreak. The other 1297 people work continuously on monetizing sparkly gifs. What is the frickin’ holdup?
We already have those core features, and actually they were built by 3 people.
“The frickin’ holdup” is that we’re building a robust audio player with loads more features and greater usability than our current one. Also, the new website is considerably more complex, so it takes time to make sure everything works and makes sense. We could rush it, and put out a buggy mess but what’s the point in that?
I was kidding – unlike Joe I’m all too aware of the work that goes into making something more complex than a personal blog.
Unlike Evil Shitâ„¢ Kev, Some of My Best Friends are the most qualified and accomplished developers on the planet (I’™ve stayed at their houses) and I know for an absolute fact four people with real skills are quite sufficient to rework a single station’™s Web site.
You don’t see how New Music Canada and MySpace are similar? I thought it was self evident, but here goes…
– Both allow artists to create profiles
– Both allow artists to upload music, photos and video
– Both allow users to listen to said music via a player
Do you see the similarities now?
Now, when you say “four competent standardistas can easily run a full site.” Why then, would any website bother to employ more than 4 people?
Just to be clear, in our case I simply noted that a small team takes longer to build things than a larger team.
John, we can’™t take your comparison of elite R3 to ghetto MySpace seriously. May I suggest brushing up on your Danah Boyd?
The Mythical Man-Month disproved the idea that larger teams work faster decades ago.
If you were more honest, wouldn’™t you admit that your team of four can barely get a new site up while occupied with maintaining the rusting hulk of the current site?
Attitude speaks louder than words, John. And I see you somehow view MySpace (’œUSA’) as a valid standard of comparison. Four competent standardistas can easily run a full site. I wonder what your four are like.
What has been said that would make you infer that anybody here thinks CBC’s task of renewing radio has been “all tidied up” because of Radio 3?
As for the website, it’s 4 years old. That’s about 1/4 the age of the web itself, so naturally it’s a bit dated. At the time, the iFrame was the only way we could allow users to move throughout the website without breaking the audio stream.
The new site is coming soon, but we have a very small web team. By comparison, MySpace USA, which is very similar to New Music Canada had 1300 employees. Radio3’s web team is 4 people, so it takes us a bit longer to do things.
John Paolozzi
CBC Radio 3 Blog Editor
We expect you to:
I’m a bit late to the party here, but I just stumbled on this post today. I’m not really sure why you take issue with some of the things Steve has said. To be sure, they’re kind of wonkish, but since he’s speaking presumably to people interested on the subject of the future of radio, it’s entirely acceptable that he would say wonkish things.
First off, why do you take issue with the concept of R3 as an “ecosystem”. If an ecosystem is defined as a system that includes all organisms in an area along with its physical environment functioning together as a unit, then it’s fair to draw this comparison to R3.
Artists use our website (the twice webby-nominated “attrocity” to which Fake Ouimet refers) as a platform to upload and broadcast their music, and we use this database to program our station and podcasts. That sounds a bit like an organic system to me.
Also, how is it not accurately described as “Radio that is not Radio”?
We’re called Radio 3, but we’re also a blog, podcasts, social network for artists and fans, and we create video content as well. Soon we’ll offer multiple genre streams, greater user functionality, and more user-generated content. Oh, and an iPhone app. Sounds like “radio that’s not radio” to me.
I come away from reading this post not really understanding what you expect us to do. On one hand you take Steve to task for saying “regurgitating TV or radio content online is a bad strategy because it doesn’™t necessarily address what the audience wants”, but then you turn around and say that “you want it all”, naming some of the interesting things that can be done with new media.
John Paolozzi
CBC Radio 3 Blog Editor
What ’“Â Ponce and Strombo? (Sort of like in Chips?)
Now that Moses Znaimer is buying oldster aimed media. Radio for classics, Zoomer magazine for newly unemployed/almost forcibly retired, Vision TV, maybe he will form hits-of-your-yesterdays and take them all back to a MuchBloatedOldiesMusicTV series.
Denise has shown that she can’t run CBC radio by e/xactly that, not doing much.
Jian, has shown that he can never outgrow the smarm he used as an immigrant kid at York poli-sci.
George has shown that a few hip hops and a belt to hold in the Ukraininan weight gain is enough to seem to move more than Mansbridge in TV land.
And all get to be called by their friendly first names.
Please OH GOD PLEASE send him back to Muchmusic with Donlon, Strombo, Sook-Yin et al.
Read this – http://www.thestar.com/business/smallbusiness/article/668697 – then tell me that Pratt deserves credit for anything.
Of course you’re still free to prefer your indie radio “government approved”.
The last time I wrote about R3, it unleashed a raft of Opera- or Linux-style fanboys. They asked me to go on the ’œradio’ to talk about what I’™d written about (another example of the Canadian media calling on the Canadian media to reiterate what they already said). And I told them it had been a while since I’™d listened to R3, having given it a good year of weekly podcasts.
So the task then would have been to sit there listening to indie rock all day on a system I cannot get to work here despite reasonably advanced skills. I never could stomach that task. Nor could I even really ’œengage’ with the fanboys on the R3 site, because, as explained here, the site is an atrocity and an embarrassment.
So in fact I could not tell you what R3 is doing right or wrong just now, save for its site. But I continue to insist that the idea there should be exactly one alternative to CBC Radio, which plays all indie rock all the time, is nonsense.
Of course there are four other online music streams now, which is a great start. And also as I said the last time, doing what the BBC did, without its mistakes, would stand us in good stead.
In short, why don’™t we have Radios 3 through 7, at least? If R3 costs only a million a year (I am not using the word ’œonly’Â ironically), it seems affordable. It would require leadership. It would require admitting, once and for all, that indie rock is not so fucking precious it gets to crowd out every other genre of popular music. It would require indie-rock and R3 fanboys to admit what they never will: That not everybody loves their music and that they don’™t get to be king of the castle.
Can you recall a day when the CBC R3 had one of the most immersive and aesthetically challenging webcasts on the net? What we have now seems to be so underwhelmingly 1.0 that one can’t help but to anticipate a pop-up demanding Real Player be insalled.
thank you wind of steve pratt for understanding.
I am many things, but an ambulance is one thing I cannot catch on my bike, even in summer.
Awesome. Justin Beach vs. Joe Clark.
Battle of the public broadcasting ambulance chasers!
Excuse me?
Not sure that either Joe or Justin qualifies as an “ambulance chaser” in any sense!
It’s a very Canadian response to stand up for Steve Pratt. “But he’s such a nice guy! You don’t know him!”
Maybe he is, but come on, did you read that article?
Allan has a lot of good points here. How hard can it be to make a radio station without having to worry about advertisers? Where all you had to do was play music no one else was playing?
Radio 3 is not radio, rather it’s an organic community? Dude, this is what every radio show and tv show has been saying since tv and radio were invented. Ok I know you’ve got social networking and blogs on the site, but come on, so what?
If I browse around the site, I see there are user playlists. 686 of them. The twitter account has 10 people writing it, and 4,579 followers.
These are hardly blockbuster numbers. Rick Mercer has more followers and he writes about nothing. Once a week.
I’d really love to see how much r3 costs, and some real stats on usage, listenership, etc. I’m going to bet this ecosystem is a lot smaller than the people in it think it is.
Look, the world is not clamoring for indie Canadian music. It just isn’t. That doesn’t mean it’s not good or worth listening to. But don’t think the scene is exploding because your Alexa rank is in the top 100,000 for the USA..
The article is full of a lot of talk about understanding the audience and the unique ecosystem and then you go to the R3 site and it has a music player that starts automatically at top volume, and a teeny iframe in the middle of the page with the whole site jammed inside.
No one likes that kind of website. No. One.
If this is the future, you can let me off right here.
Sigh. Teamakers is I think now a hopelessly uninformed, unintelligent, and unfunny blog. You can trust nothing you read here anymore. Take the above post as an example. R3 actually has 686 PAGES of playlists, which appears to add up to over 7,000 in total. Further, these are only the playlists the users have chosen to make public. I have a playlist but I have not chosen to make it public, so it’™s not listed with the 7,000 public lists. R3 may only have 4,500 followers on Twitter but Radio 2 only has 1,500. Drive on Radio 2 has only 162. I listen to several hours per day of R3 and I don’™t follow their tweets. I read their blog.
So I ask you, what kind of person fires off a bunch of garbage like this without having any idea what he/she is talking about? Dennis McGrath, is that you?
And how do we locate these 686 pages of playlists in such a backward and user-hostile site?
Particularly when at the office, a location where autoplaying music is rather frowned upon?
If your content is locked in a shitty site, when it falls in the forest does it make a sound?
Justin, we don’™t give a shit about numbers, yours or ours. Go be sad somewhere else.
Alexa? Owned by Amazon, mainly a tool on IExplorer.com only. And teamakers.blogspot.com doesn’t exist, so can’t be measured. While TheTeamakers.com is too new to register. Few have changed their links and it’s up to the teamaker gnomes to google LinkedTo:teamakers.blogspot.com and suggest that the various webmasters(?) change the link. Oh for IPV6 “quad” address references.
Meanwhile the CBC has the pseudo-R3, but goes all nostalgic in the old folks home for 60s strangeness: http://www.cbc.ca/arts/media/blogs/popculture/2009/07/les_belles_chansons_10_great_m.html
Wow – now here is a constructive rant. I can tell that you are good at whining but come on – What is your idea? How could you make it better? Waah – Boo hoo…what are you jealous?
Have you ever met Steve? Have you ever interviewed him? Ya what a stupid idea creating a place for indie bands to get some airplay. I have worked with Steve in the past and words like upstanding, good guy, patient, great listener, creative, no ego…..hmmm.
Ted Schredd
I don’™t know enough about Steve to comment. But again, the idea that an all-indie-rock station is the sole permissible ’œalternative’ to CBC Radio is strongly open to serious dispute.
can I have the 2 minutes back that it took to read this?
I agree with Ro, at least they have some creative programming . Steve is a great guy, smart and obviously resonating. And my boss at one time, but not at the cbc. I only wish he did not link to this on Twitter, but I guess it was my choice to hit the Url.
I don’t really understand your criticisms of either Radio 3 or Steve Pratt. Look, I’ve been a lifelong CBC listener and while its news organization is second to none, its entertainment programming seems calculated to neither offend nor please anyone. CBC Radio 3 is like a remarkably well-curated collection. If that “million-dollar budget” is buying anything, it’s a long-needed dose of taste and risk-taking.
We plough millions of dollars into developing and supporting new Canadian pop and alternative musical talent through provincial and federal grant programs — but the regular CBC barely plays any pop or alternative music (if I have to hear any more sweet-voiced folksy white chicks playing the fiddle on the Vinyl Café…erk).
Commercial radio only plays a thin slice of predictably bland CanCon as mandated, and even ‘alternative’ radio stations mandate is split between dozens of different community shows.
What CBC Radio 3 does is incredibly vital. One, its reach is worldwide, two, its mission is solely to promote new Canadian music (a kind of hot property right now), inciting more record sales and support for touring Canadian acts — in short, helping Canada recoup its investment in those emerging acts.
As someone who works in the Internet biz, I can tell you that putting together the infrastructure for such an endeavour, and keeping it running on a daily basis with consistently high quality, is not an easy thing at all. It seems that Mr. Pratt is doing all of this on a shoestring budget (and incidentally, keeping the usual layers of bureaucracy and meddling at bay) – and also, if I understand the quote correctly, he’s talking about making technological choices that work for them and their listeners, even if they are at odds with the Mothership’s desired goals to have a Single Unified Platform.
Instead of knocking him and the station, which is all so easy, why don’t you provide some constructive criticism?
It’s sad what this blog has become. General pointless bitchiness and whining without having a clue what you’re talking about and without offering anything constructive at all, ever.
I’m pretty sure that the only reason you bother with posts like this is because you know that it will drive a little traffic when people come to tell you you are full of shit.
So, just quickly .. “play music that’™s created by Canadians, and making sure that it’™s of interest to even fewer people than the music they play on Radio 2.”
4 months ago (as of this coming tuesday) I started a web site. It’s a group blog dedicated to that same music that, according to you, no one likes. To date 115 ish people from 37 Canadian cities have signed up to write for it. A handful of people from outside of Canada have even volunteered to write about Canadian music.
So, while I don’t have stats for Radio 3 – I do have stats for the spin off after 4 months:
According to http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/nxew.ca
International Rank (all websites worldwide) 1,391,900
Canada (popularity among Canadians) 50,232
Also (854,638 United States – which is nice too)
Then there is Teamakers after .. nearly 4 years? With some national press attention in the early days!
International Rank: 8,636,866
Canada 173,764
Even publicbroadcasting.ca – which has been dormant for a few months, but will relaunch at some point has a higher international ranking currently than Teamakers. So my question is, if you’re such an expert on ‘what people really want’ then why doesn’t anyone give a f*ck what you think?
This site is only a few days old.
No it’s not. You bought a domain but everyone knows where the site came from and if it was only a few days old Alexa would have no stats at all on it. Those are the real numbers.
Listen…. If you lived in the uk and had watched the BBC turn their flagship alternative music station in to a clone of the populist radio one you would realise just how lucky Canadians are at this time to have CBC3. Right now Canadian music is reaching a point it hasn’t been at in years… People around the world are sitting up and taking notice of a vibrant scene. The fact that CBC3 nurtures this is a brilliant thing.
It’s pretty much the only radiostation I bother to listen to these days…
Ro, Brighton, UK
Not sure why you call yourself an intellectual. Perhaps wishful thinking? You’re obviously not aware of the CBC’s business model or cultural mandate. Or perhaps you’d prefer select US programming – hmmm, Nascar would be your speed – to take over all of our airwaves? Please, spare us.
I agree with Wilhelm…..Steve is a stand up guy!
You obviously have never met Steve. He’s a pretty great guy.