What was there to be unsure about, luvmuffin? Yesterday was a rotten day.
What makes it worse is that when someone is classified as ‘redundant,’ it’s not over yet. If they’re in the union, they get a chance to bump someone out who’s not in the union, or who has less seniority. Just as long as they can prove they’re qualified for the job.
Know how to operate a telephone? There’s a bright future for you in Audience Relations. That sort of thing.
It’s that .5 of a job that is the kicker. Who wants the butt end of that job?
Thanks for the vote of support, MickiMaynard. By the way, we have you surrounded. You got any jobs in there?
I heard the (nonunion) CBC.ca design team in Toronto is being made redundant to make room for senior union members.If this is true then it’s an absolute disgrace. The design team kicks ass – never mind their published work, you should see the stuff that’s never made it to the site due to general corporate inertia. There is no way in hell anybody not already doing their job could have the depth of skill or experience required to do it as well.
They personally would survive, but the loss to the organization, especially as it continues to realign itself to compete on new media platforms, would be immense. It would be a major step backward, and it would probably hamstring that realignment. The design community is fairly small. If a good team gets fucked over like this, you’re not going to get good people to work for you afterward.
This isn’t the first time CBC.ca has lost key people, but it would be the first time CMG forced them out, and to me at least it would invalidate any moral position the union may claim in the future.
I heard the (nonunion) CBC.ca design team in Toronto is being made redundant to make room for senior union members.I heard your ass is actually a hole in the ground.
Why they are going ahead with the Donaldson scholar program this year when there are layoffs?
A very small number of people took the VRIP in my unit. Everyone is looking out for themselves these days. (understandably so) I wish my unit was a little more like yours.
“I don’t blame him per say. I blame the union. They are more interested in protecting the highly paid and under skilled than those who are actually capable.”
Very sorry to hear you lost your job. It stinks. We lost 3 people in our unit. Would have been 4, but a number of us took reduced hours to save a job. Wish it could have been more.
Locally the union was very supportive, but it would have been nice to see them attempt this approach across the corporation. It was surprisingly easy to implement.
I will be losing my job in the newsroom. I am being bumped for someone more senior. Of course that senior person is unqualified and has far less skill than yours truly.
I have been given the dubious task of training this guy. Yes, I get to train the guy to do my job…and then after 6 weeks he will take it away from me.
I don’t blame him per say. I blame the union. They are more interested in protecting the highly paid and under skilled than those who are actually capable.
The union loves to pick on management…but right now I’m failing to see the difference.
CBC Northeast Ontario in Sudbury got nailed. They now have only 3 reporters left to cover a region larger than New Brunswick. Amazingly, I’m told the manager is still safe. What there will be to manage is unclear.
I’m sorry for the losses now and the losses to come. This should not have happened, whether by accident, design or both.
I heard the (nonunion) CBC.ca design team in Toronto is being made redundant to make room for senior union members. Any truth to that?