‘One day I was announcing a flight in the terminal. A guy heard me’

Springfield Shopper Village Post article (from November) reveals that Pastor Mansbridge of Stratford was, in effect, discovered at the drugstore counter nursing a malted.

“And who does he want to take over for him? ‘[W]e have a half a dozen people at least [who] could easily step into that role. I have my favourites, but I won’t be the one who gets to pick.’ â€


  • Fake Ouimet says:

    I just found the article in a magazine at the library, looked it up online, and posted it. “Link farm” does not always mean “new-link farm.”

    This says nothing about Inside the CBC.

  • Anonymous says:

    NotTod provides up-to-the-minute poaching of a six-month-old link

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    It’s true: I didn’t know the Pastor’s creation myth. I’m not sure the last three contractors who managed to get hired knew it either ‒œ and they work there. This doesn’t seem to be a case of inside vs. outside.

    I know that Alphonse Ouimet was always careful about publishing potentially defamatory material. I would be, too. That doesn’t make it any less delicious, of course. More on the filings, though, please.

  • Anonymous says:

    for instance:

    which senior managers are banging which employees?

    which foreign correspondents are alcoholics / pill poppers / have open relationships with their partners / other needlessly prurient details…

    How many of our Socan & CRTC filings are fake or simply missing?

    Of senior staff who left in the past few years, who jumped, and who was pushed, and why?

    Which announcer sued the corporation for ownership of his show and lost?

    … this is the kind of dirt we used to enjoy around here. Start digging.

  • Anonymous says:

    Sorry, I guess I forgot that no one on this blog actually works at CBC anymore… there are plenty more skeletons to discover, kids.

  • Anonymous says:

    You never heard the Churchill airport story before? It’s hardly a secret.

    Yes, we really used to hire people for their voices. Different times….

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