First one big mistake, and now another.
When you read Denis McGrath’s gleeful news that he’ll be working on upcoming scripts for the show, it becomes even more apparent that Republic of Doyle is in deep trouble.
First they rip the heart out of it by removing part of the cast. Then they inject the soulless bag of wind that is Denis.
Either the producers are worried that they can’t pull the show off using the abilities that got them this far, or else the CBC is pulling strings all over the place.
Making demands, changes, or else no series.
But the CBC is not run by creatives. It is run by accountants, and commissioners of surveys.
They have no clue what makes for a good show. They look at numbers to tell them what to do.
And to look at DMc for answers and actual worthwhile content, is a measure of desperation.
At the rate it’s going, a documentary titled Anatomy of a Show about the process of how this show was brought into being (including original footage already in the can) would easily be far more dramatic and illuminating and entertaining and captivating than even the series itself could ever be.
Some might even find it all a bit funny, if there weren’t such a dark cloud hanging over it.
Sadly, it’s too late to bring in Chris Haddock to kick some CBC ass off the set.
@Anon 4:45 – You’re missing the whole point. The idea he is trying to promote is … Allan.
Pretty nuanced, eh?
It also allows him to claim false privilege as some kind of moralistic ‘internet detective’ since he’s divulged a few personal details on his various efforts on the web. It allows him to bash others since he’s on a self-styled high ground. Oh and once in a while to drop subtle references that his ‘real’ identity is some kind of ace up his sleeve that he can’t divulge.
Simpler and more to the point, he’s a bully with too much time on his hands. Or a plant.
Ouimet, if you’re out there, tell us. Have you ever met Allan IRL?
About Allan (as seen in his profile): My full identity is not revealed here, and even I’m not entirely sure why. (Added Aug 2007: there are probably a lot of reasons, actually – one is that I want to be known as the most humble person in the world. Another is that I’m trying to promote ideas rather than a person, and that’s why I leave out my full name.)
So your posts are just ideas, then? Albeit very abstract ideas? What a relief! For awhile there, I thought your posts were the best-of-the-worst-fictitious-junk-that-attempts-to-sound-legit that I’ve read online since… the last Nigerian email scam I received.
You bring blogging to a whole other level and that level is waaay down – I’d say on par with the tabloids. You take the credibility and freshness of user-generated content and just… make it stink like my gym bag. That has never been washed. Ever.
It seems somewhat contradictory that you hide behind your macbook and blast away. But once someone posts a sizzling and witty rebuttal comment? That’s when the personality of the user starts to matter. Remember Allan, as you said yourself in your profile, identities should not matter! It’s the IDEAS! The so crappy-that-my-dog-has-better IDEAS!
Caroline, you seem overly sensitive. Most of the comments were very favourable to your friend. If you self promote as aggressively as Denis you open yourself up to attacks from hunchback geeks like Allan. Denis is a big boy, he can take it. If, as Denis proports on his blog, “the best idea wins”, Republic of Doyle will be a winner and Allan will have to eat his words.
I wish Ouimet would come back.
At least no one said you were worse than Hitler.
Odd thing is, Newfoundlanders eat people with big egos.
It’s nothing like The Shipping News.
Would Matt MacLennan care to confirm that no one has stolen his identity?
And that the above is his response?
To what exactly, I’m not sure.
And could one of his friends inform him that I am the writer of this post, and not Ouimet?
Less curious. Matt is the executive story editor for the recently cancelled Wild Roses.
The comment he left above is one of the most irrational and self-contradicting pieces that I’ve ever seen here at TM. (next to my own work of course)
He facetiously suggest:
Whenever possible, make personal attacks on people who are more successful, better, smarter and more articulate than you.and then follows that advice.
Look, Ouimet, I’™m sorry your career/mom/dad/girlfriend/wife/self mistreated youyour head lodged up your own ass ’“ that’™s where your opinions come from after all.– cowardice– you clearly profile both your own ignorance and insecurity.At the end, Matt seems to switch the voice he’s using to one that is more serious and sincere …
But before you hit reply or start a new post (eg. ’Matt MacLennan: pee-pee head hack and goat nuts sucker’) PLEASE go read some good blogs, interesting blogs, funny blogs. Research how to engage in a proper debate, argument or rhetoric.Is this advice coming from experience, Matt?
And is the contribution you’ve made here supposed to be an example of your own use of engaging “in a proper debate”?
When you say ..
In closing, envision yourself as an infant who shits in his hands and wipes it on the walls of the internet to make mommy notice him.… you see this as valid argument?
And upon further review, like actually clicking on the “blindmind”, name it turns out to be someone identifying themselves as Matt MacLennan.
He’s created two blogs with nothing on them.
Is he a real person?
If his actual identity is so plainly obvious, then why does he choose to post under a pseudonym?
And why is he in this game?
He writes as if he’s been reading Tea Makers for a while, and has it all figured out.
But is he really a Matt MacLennan from Toronto?
His comment is disturbing.
His “identity” curious.
Denis has never hesitated to slag Tea Makers – – and setting himself up as so much more courageous and a beacon of integrity.
He doesn’t want to understand.
He just wants to assure himself that he is better than others.
He reads Tea Makers, and it looks to me like he even gets an idea or two from the site.
And if anyone tangles with him he goes apeshit at the drop of a hat.
So generally we leave him alone, but in this case he was pertinent to the story.
The diatribe above is an example of how he might react, but since it’s posted anonymously we’ll never know who it was that totally lost it.
It’s unusual to see so much hatred in one comment
I’m no fan of McGrath’s blog, I find him to be almost as self-gratifying as you, Allan. But your rants are only going to turn the guy into a martyr. I actually feel bad for him after reading your posts. Is that what you want?
Maybe you’re the plant. Maybe this blog is a brilliant practice in deception. Maybe you get us on the side of the managers and the executives by hating you so much.
One post does not an obsession make.
Mr, Mitchell, you seem to be trying to say that I don’t know anything about anything.
Which has some merit.
Because surely if I knew anything I would be producing, writing, directing and starring in The Republic of Doyle.
It was never suggested that Denis should turn down the job.
This isn’t even really about Denis at all.
It’s about the CBC.
(but nor do I consider Denis “one of our own” by any means)
That’s some mighty dazzling writing there, bm
mighty indeed
Before everyone goes all apeshit on Ouimet, I’™d like to stand up in his defence. I think he’™s been using this found this old DIY blogging guide to do his thing ’“ so please don’™t take anything he says seriously. It’™s all a joke.GUIDE TO STARTING A BLOG:1) Post anonymously so you don’™t have to actually stand behind anything you say. This is key.
Some people will say that they can’™t take anything you write seriously. They’™ll say you talk shit in a virtual world because you can’™t actually do shit in the real world ’“ IGNORE THOSE PEOPLE.
I cannot put enough emphasis on the importance of cowardice when blogging.2) Blog on a topic which you know nothing about and be sure to discuss it long enough that you clearly profile both your own ignorance and insecurity. Don’™t be half-assed about this. Envision your posts as flaw parades, strutting down the street to wave flags of idiocy. That’™s what you’™re looking for.
3) Blog on a topic which is at least a week past its shelf-life. Being current and observing zeitgeist are great and all but not nearly as important as keeping your head lodged up your own ass ’“ that’™s where your opinions come from after all.
4) Adopt a counterpoint to the general public so you can garner attention. DO NOT BLOG TO ACTUALLY CREATE INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION. This is passé (so is using the word passé but do it anyway). Just start shit.
5) Egotistical onanism. That’™s homebase, that’™s where all your blogs should live.
DO NOT have any actual content, information or facts in your posts ’“ these things will just weigh the reader down and pull their attention away from what really matters ’“ your opinion.
Likewise, ensure your opinions aren’™t informed, intelligent or interesting as this will also distract your reader from your opinion.
6) Remember, it’™s always personal. Whenever possible, make personal attacks on people who are more successful, better, smarter and more articulate than you. The only way you can get close to them or the levels they’™ve achieved with their lives is to try and chop ’˜em down – so hack away.
In closing, envision yourself as an infant who shits in his hands and wipes it on the walls of the internet to make mommy notice him. That’™s what the world is looking for in a blog.
Look, Ouimet, I’™m sorry your career/mom/dad/girlfriend/wife/self mistreated you or whatever the cliché fire in your cliché belly is all about – I get that. It’™s cool.
Truth be told, I like fun blogs by has been or neverwas guys who articulate their anger to imagined foes ’“ but I like those blogs because they’™re funny or interesting or at least have a shred of content.
No one can accuse your blog of any of the above.
Keep on blogging (and I’™m sure you will because your anger will sustain for a while). I’™ll bet your fingers are already all atremble to hit that reply button right now in fact.
But before you hit reply or start a new post (eg. ’Matt MacLennan: pee-pee head hack and goat nuts sucker’) PLEASE go read some good blogs, interesting blogs, funny blogs. Research how to engage in a proper debate, argument or rhetoric.
This shit? This shit you do is already tired. And you just started.
Wow, for someone who writes a blog about media it is amazing how little you know that is factual. Secondly it is amazing how little you know about pilot production and casting and thirdly it is amazing how little you know about hiring practices. Past that, it astounds me that you would presume to know what goes on in the mind of someone who works as a freelancer.
Who in their right mind, if given the opportunity to move from the third year of a show in a junior position would not jump at an opportunity to come in on the first year of a series in a senior position.
As for the thing “if he was valuable” the Border would not let him leave, that shows the almost complete lack of understanding of how the business works and who the personalities in the business are. If someone who works under you gets a break, you encourage them to take it, that’s what you do if you have any sense of generosity of spirit.
… preview is broken, btw.
Much the same could be said of Maffin, and there’s nothing to envy about either of them.
– And your evidence of this is what? You have previously demonstrated that you are obsessed with Maffin. Now it’s McGrath. But Billy Bob is a true artist. Are you simply contrarian?
The initial episodes of The Border were hardly anything to hand out awards for.
The writing hasn’t saved that show, and it’s even a bit unclear why it is still on the air. How many re-toolings has it gone through now?
-And your evidence of this is what? What were the nature of these re-toolings? The show had the same cast and structure for two seasons. What re-tooling do you speak of? Evidence.
And indeed if Denis were such an asset and a wonder boy then surely they could not have afforded to let him go.
That speaks for itself. Volumes.
-And your evidence of this is what? What does it say? Evidence, because on the face of it, it seems to me like the guy just got a promotion.
There are websites that I like very much, but absolutely none that I envy. And as for Denis’s blog, hey I’m glad he’s enjoying himself, as everyone should, but only one thing strikes me about it, and it’s summed up in one word – HYPE.
Hyping himself.
-And your evidence of this is what? How does a blog he doesn’t get paid for, where he frequently criticizes the networks that he has to get work from constitute ‘hyping himself?’ Seems like the potential for harm is far greater. If you have evidence of the effect of this ‘hype’ being the key to his success, state it.
Is Denis a CBC plant?
Is he part of the bargain if the production company wants the support of the CBC?
– And your evidence of this is what?
Do they have to pretend to like this guy, and hope that he doesn’t ruin their show, because the CBC has obviously inflicted him upon them?
-And your evidence of this is what?
Is he there because he can be counted upon to do the CBC’s bidding without hesitation, and if you rub him the wrong way it’ll get back to the CBC and they will make your life miserable?
-And your evidence of this is what?
Denis can write both drama AND comedy? How versatile!
And he’s a writer who hasn’t secured employment in the States, where they’re always hungry for new content? He just happened to be free as a bird when a new series comes up?
-And your evidence of this is what? If you follow his blog as pathetically as you shadowed Maffin, you’ll know he also went for work to Vancouver recently. Don’t infer, state your evidence.
I’ve read some of DMc’s stuff and found a guy who had little to be humble about for someone so green behind the ears. No one it seems is as cool and together and smart as he sees himself compared to others.
-And your evidence of this is what? He won an award, was nominated for another. I guess those were plants, too. And the rest of it is just…bizarre. What is your evidence? Do you have anything other than personal insinuation based on nothing but the phantasm in your mind?
First tip off to a pretentious blogger is someone who deletes comments that fall below the standard of praise and adoration.
-And your evidence of this is what? What comment of yours did he delete? What did it say? He publishes under his name which means he’s responsible for what gets said on his blog. When he gets something wrong, he corrects it. You publish pseudononymously and freak out when people take any steps to identify you.
Allan, your whole last comment is nothing but sleazy, anonymous slander. It shows you to be a raving, pathetic coward. Your life must be very, very, very small if the main joy you get is running down someone who actually accomplishes things. But in fact, that’s pretty much all you do here.
If you have a single shred of evidence of any of the dozens of insinuations you’ve made, put them out there. Otherwise, you’re just a slanderous piece of shit.
Much the same could be said of Maffin, and there’s nothing to envy about either of them.
The initial episodes of The Border were hardly anything to hand out awards for.
The writing hasn’t saved that show, and it’s even a bit unclear why it is still on the air. How many re-toolings has it gone through now?
And indeed if Denis were such an asset and a wonder boy then surely they could not have afforded to let him go.
That speaks for itself. Volumes.
There are websites that I like very much, but absolutely none that I envy. And as for Denis’s blog, hey I’m glad he’s enjoying himself, as everyone should, but only one thing strikes me about it, and it’s summed up in one word – HYPE.
Hyping himself.
Is Denis a CBC plant?
Is he part of the bargain if the production company wants the support of the CBC?
Do they have to pretend to like this guy, and hope that he doesn’t ruin their show, because the CBC has obviously inflicted him upon them?
Is he there because he can be counted upon to do the CBC’s bidding without hesitation, and if you rub him the wrong way it’ll get back to the CBC and they will make your life miserable?
Denis can write both drama AND comedy? How versatile!
And he’s a writer who hasn’t secured employment in the States, where they’re always hungry for new content? He just happened to be free as a bird when a new series comes up?
I’ve read some of DMc’s stuff and found a guy who had little to be humble about for someone so green behind the ears. No one it seems is as cool and together and smart as he sees himself compared to others.
First tip off to a pretentious blogger is someone who deletes comments that fall below the standard of praise and adoration.
But at least he has friends like you Caroline so he can’t be all bad.
And you did say he that he didn’t smell, which I think is an admirable quality.
Wow, no wonder we’re so screwed up as an industry. Way to cannibalize your own for no apparent reason. Denis is not only an exceptionally gifted writer and teacher, but one of the few people who has the cajones to stand up for the stuff that is right (and wrong) in our business. And put his name to it, for the good or the bad. He’s going to be a great asset to Republic of Doyle and they’re lucky to have him. And he’s also a pretty great guy to be stuck in a room with for hours on end … well mannered, good hygiene, collaborative and supportive. Clearly you have blog envy, there’s just no other explanation for the vitriol.
There were “best episodes” of The Border? And if so why did he leave the show?
Right: 45 minutes later it comes through my RSS. That trip to Newfoundland should have been a dead giveaway in retrospect.
Wait. Are we saying DMcG is gonna showrun this show?
Forgot to mention, it’s also not at all uncommon for the head writer/showrunner to be someone who wasn’t involved at all during the pilot stage.
Denis McGrath is a terrific writer. His episodes of The Border were easily the best episodes of the series. Also, he’s an experienced writer/creator who knows how to run a show. The showrunner position is always given to the head writer.
The more I read this blog, the more I start to realize you have very little idea how the TV industry actually works.
Yeah CBC is pulling the strings … IT’S THEIR SHOW! They are paying for it. Has it occurred to you that MacNeill might have tested poorly? Maybe the CBC cannot afford to make these sorts of shows on their own and need international cast to help foreign sales. The CBC isn’t making the creative decisions but it is, rightly, approving who does. They only claimed the show will have a Newfoundland setting, it’s another P.I. show, virtually all the creative -the showrunner, writers, directors, DOPs and editors will be people they know and like from Toronto. The current administration isn’t interested in another Hatching Matching Dispatching or Codco, that’s ancient history. I don’t know what you expect.