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Monthly Archives: March 2009
Fun “Friends”
A new campaign by Friends of Canadian Broadcasting to expand their mailing list: With Stephen Harper cheering from the sidelines, CBC is seriously considering polluting CBC radio with commercial messages! Harper chose Hubert Lacroix as CBC’s President. It appears that since then, Lacroix has been busy implementing Harper’s agenda. And should we need further “proof”:Feb […]
Small city blog expresses qualms about ‘Being Erica’
That would be the Torontoist and of course all city blogs are “small,†so it isn’t pejorative. I don’t see the dyke episode as a ratings grab given how long it takes to write, get approvals for the writing of, shoot, edit, and post an episode. And! I like the show. There, I said it.
Does anyone know why this exists or how it came about? Or why it is such a ghost town?
Obscene internet slang used by CBC headline writer
First choice:“WTF? False text message triggers police search for employee†New improved and approved:“False cry for help in text message triggers police search”
John Doyle Still Dumb
So Doyle suggests the CRTC should require less local TV coverage.
«Webradio jazz»
The Other Solitude launches a customizable online jazz station in multiple flavours. “Webradioâ€Â like this is a sibling to regular chaînes hertziennes, our French phrase of the week.