Monthly Archives: March 2009

more courage than the CBC

Justin Beach quoted in Toronto Star

Waaayyy down at the bottom.It’s not his best work, but the reporter needed a way out of long-winded article.

Note to Americans: our seals don’t have radios, yet

He said the series will also be aired across Canada on CBC 1 and CBC 2, which reaches 98 percent of the population. “And if the other 2 percent don’t get to hear it, including the seals at the Arctic Circle, it may be repeated,” he said.

The CBC: A medium dragged down by the masses

George Jonas writes about the CBC, coincidentally the same day and paper as his friend Conrad Black. The first television transmission I saw was a test pattern displayed on a black-and-white monitor. My then-employer, Hungary’s public broadcaster, was beaming the experimental signal to the Press Club in Budapest. It was the only TV set in […]

Prisoner 18330-424 Writes About The CBC

Some people have been more vociferous in their criticism of the CBC television service than I have, but few have been more consistent. In fairness to the Corporation, it has been given a very difficult mandate: to create and buy programs, provide public service broadcasting, run a comprehensive news network, encourage Canadian television production, sell […]

Beauty and the Book

Hannah Sung Erica

‘stop axing the creative talent and go after middle management’

I’ve been predicting CBC’s death by a thousand cuts for years. And now it’s happening right before our eyes. For years CBC has been waging war against its unions by turning every other employee into a manager. ~ does anyone remember JAMES BAWDEN ? (you know, the guy who didn’t get the George-Anthony-civil-service-parachute)

‘A deep disdain for intellectualism pervades both English-language television and radio’

As long, therefore, as CBC pursues this strategic direction, it will have the worst of all worlds in the search for public money. It will have alienated core audiences who might have cared enough to fight, and exchanged them for audiences for whom CBC is just one choice among many, and therefore not worth getting […]

"He thinks God talks to him through the CBC.”

Well, He kind of does, if you think about it. “Beth” is talking about her very hip missionary father. Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. A touching story about the love & marriage of Ian Walker and Bif Naked. (Don’t miss it) HERE


No one knows where this came from, but it has an intriguing vibe.

CBC calls blogger to share good news


Monetize what, Denise?

That’s what you get when you hire someone to run a radio station who never rose above the skills of a booking agent. You get someone who doesn’t know how to run a radio station. Ghomeshi would probably do a better job. Media columnist Marc Weisblott reports from the Canadian Music Week conference: Denise Donlon, […]

Meeting expected to run long

Senior CBC executives, led by Chief Executive Hubert Lacroix, will meet on Monday and Tuesday with the public broadcaster’s directors to present their strategy for countering a severe slump in the advertising market, spokesman Jeff Keay said.

Another Deep Thought From George

When Alan Kearns remarked that his Western clients were fearful about the current job market , George offered …I wonder how much of that is because in the Western world so much of this culture is based on the media.In Canada you know we think we’re in the exact same boat as the Americans are, […]

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