Monthly Archives: March 2009

Dunce Me To The End Of Time

Everything about the CBC’s current situation is encapsulated in the Geri Hall incident. It demonstrated that the CBC is oblivious to the state of the economy and the circumstances of ordinary Canadians. ~ thus spake John Doyle in today’s Globe & Mail.


Let’s go back to talking about CBCR3. I’m gonna quote Kate Taylor of the Globe first, from an online Q&A: “I have never understood where CBC Radio got a mandate to run a classical music service; it just seems such a narrow band of programming to me – I just don’t think they know how […]

but it was Peter …

by Theo Moudakis, Toronto Star

Budget Update

As of Saturday afternoon, recovery efforts at the Broadcasting Centre are well underway. The new payroll system is up and running throughout the building. Security guards remain on suicide watch in the southeast corners of B4 and B2, and the northeast corner of the fourth floor. Dissent detectors in these areas remain turned off until […]

‘Showcase Diva: Canada lives… here’

Corpse to buy orphaned Canwest specialties? I call bullshit, but Posner in Toronto Life says otherwise. (Warning: Shitty page-at-a-time site.)

Comedy Critic Kormos Still Fuming

~ this wasn’t funny ~ It was in poor taste~ totally irresponsible~ She showed incredibly poor judgment~ some poor slap-stick-style comedy~ It’s old news~ He’d already been mocked for that

The L Word – Being Lohan

Being Erica CBC/Halifax Films


Or squirmerrific? (Now in HD!) No, wait – that was the HNIC promo that showed shirtless Joe Thornton (twice) accompanied by an uncaptioned wolf whistle. Wrong genre of homoeroticism, sorry.

Psychotic politician frightens CBC performer

VIDEO HERE Sensing danger from an out-of-control politician who happened by uninvited, Geri Hall cut short her taping of an on-location performance for an upcoming CBC TV segment and got the hell out of there as soon as possible. Media covering the event identified the disturbed individual as Peter Kormos, a long time member of […]

Unless you can teach this man to play the violin, he’ll never work again

He’s afraid to go swimming in case it’ll appear on The National. Truly a masterpiece of hilarious advocacy.Frankly, tempted to print the whole thing but here’s the link.

She Bangs

LISTEN: Geri Hall flirts with Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. Until a jealous, sour NDP MPP Peter Kormos ruins the mood. Hear the exchange that made news.

How are Saturdays looking on the French side?

Worse and worse, since Radio-Canada is moving or shitcanning numerous shows.


Gary Clement, National Post

‘Steven and Chris Design your Mind’

So does Martha, but Sky Gilbert and Keith Cole will perform their own stage version of the all-smiles, well-groomed duo. Shinan shares.