Patches The Clown

Blogging proved too much for him, but Twitter he can handle.


  • Vigilante says:


    I still make more. So pppllllbbbbtttttttttt….


  • Vigilante says:

    Allan, I only want to keep one of them on our side of the border. The other one can fluffle off to Buffalo for all I care.

    But thanks for letting me know I lost the bet. I’ll be sure not to let anyone else know.

  • Allan says:

    BTW, Vig, I don’t know how much Mansbridge and George earn, to answer your question. They each do about 200 shows a year, so $500 for George and $800 for Mansbridge per show?
    No clue what the Canadian market will bear in order to keep these two on our side of the border.

  • Allan says:

    1. read the back posts of Bill Brioux’s blog and you’ll finally get all the ratings you want.

    2. by now, that question is going to be answered by George.

  • Anonymous says:

    Does anyone have the actual ratings from a reliable source for The Hour now ?

    Also, does anyone know if The Hour is going to have a season 6 ?

  • Anonymous says:

    Nawwwww that’s the look that Clarence Carter wrote about. The kind of look you get when you see the funding cuts at Mutha corpse;

    Oh, I can still hear Papa’s voice sayin’
    Patches, I’m dependin’ on you, son
    I’ve tried to do my best
    It’s up to you to do the rest

    Patches is freaked at the prospect of carrying his own dead weight let alone that of Mutha corpse’s ratings burden.

  • Allan says:

    What, the banana cream pie wasn’t Freudian enough for you?
    Almost everyone loves George.
    But not quite everyone.
    Some view him as harmless, others as a nitwit.
    I see him as a sellout. CBC’s water-boy. Over-rated and under-qualified for the task he’s been given.
    He’s on the air for the same reason The Point was on the air.
    The CBC pretends the vapid content doesn’t matter.
    They promote The Hour and George incessantly. Incessantly. And then some more.
    All I do is try to provide some balance to the hype, a more measured and realistic perspective on something that borders too close to being fake.
    I’m well aware that many people would tell me to just leave the butterball alone. That there are more important issues than him and his show.
    Have you noticed there are no credits at the end of the show?
    I resent being sold a bill of goods that claims this is cutting-edge journalism, or that George accounts in the slightest degree for the “success” of this show.
    He works hard and is dependable, that’s the extent of his contribution.

    You know, Jeanne Bekker is very successful too, but does anyone really think she’s a fashion expert?

  • Anonymous says:

    Allan, you are in love with him aren’t you?

  • Anonymous says:

    Hmm … is it that when you meet him you ar enice to him, and he is nice to you ? Then you both go home and hate on eachother ?

  • Allan says:

    We talked about Tea Makers and we talked about The Hour.
    We’re all familiar with George, and he’s no different when he’s with me.
    Same performance, very sociable.
    He is, almost unwittingly, at the heart of what is wrong with the CBC.
    An intellectual dufus.
    The CBC thinks it’s “fun” to send a 12 yr. old to interview Noam Chomsky. Groundbreaking.
    I don’t agree.
    This is Ryan Seacrest.
    He would just as easily be doing Canadian Idol, but they only asked him to be a judge. Forever typecast.
    He has no vision of anything.
    His radio show is horrible.
    I wish him well.
    And a banana cream pie once every show.

  • Anonymous says:

    What do you and George talk about when you meet ? And how is he a pussy ? Maybe he is just practicing restraint and isn’t scared of 60 year old plus Allan ( as Allan seems to think ). Allan, you never said what happened during your “verbal tennis match” at the computer store !

  • Anonymous says:

    That’s the look on George’s face at the exact moment Allan stole his ice cream cone and took off on his Big Wheel.

  • Allan says:

    For some reason, whenever George and I meet, he changes to a “deer-in-the-headlights” look. He’s such a pussy.
    Always thought of the above as his “WTF” tough-guy look, but I like your description better.

  • Vigilante says:

    I know that look. That look says:

    “What did I come in here for? Socks? Sunglasses? I know I’m looking for something. Where’s my coffee cup?

    …Wait…This isn’t my house…WHERE THE HELL AM I?”

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