Join the Senior Executive Team and me on Wednesday, March 25 at 11:45 a.m. ET for an overview of our financial situation, strategy and the changes to come. This presentation will be high-level and strategic, rather than operational. You can expect your Vice-Presidents and their management teams to start rolling out specific operational announcements within 24 hours of this briefing with more information about how the changes relate to your component specifically.
The presentation will be available for staff in the Centres through closed circuit. Your local Communications department will be providing you with the event location and closed circuit channel shortly.
If you cannot join via closed circuit, we invite you to listen in by phone. Due to a limited number of telephone lines, we ask that, wherever possible, you take the conference call as a group.
To listen in, please call:
English language dial-in information
416-340-2217 (local)
866-696-5910 (anywhere in North America)
800-8989-6336 (Overseas)
2785736 (participants’ code)
French language dial-in information
514-861-2255 (local)
866-696-5910 (anywhere in North America)
800-6578-9878 (Overseas)
5745586 (participants’ code)
The event will also be streamed live on iO! Check the portal on Wednesday, for the link. If you miss the event, it will be available on iO! after the fact as well.
Liveblog coming, BTW. Give me some time to proof it.
That means you’™re fired twice!
Well, if you listened on the phone you couldn’t make out a word — English and French sent out at same time so no one can hear they’re fired in their first language.