For The Few

This part of the CBC is only of marginal interest to most Canadians.
Too techie.
But some of us find it fascinating.
Executives from the CBC’s New Media team appear before the CRTC to ask for a tax on ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) to pay for the huge expense of transferring programs on to the internet.

February 26
Steven Guiton, Chief Regulatory Officer, Regulatory Affairs
Steve Billinger, Executive Director, Digital Programming and Business Development , English Services
Genevieve Rossier, Executive Director, Internet and Digital Services
Robert Scarth, Director, Reg. Affairs
Stan Staple, Director, Research and Strategic Analysis

There’s much to be learned here about the challenges and future plans for online content by our public broadcaster. Enough to keep blog comments going for months, but probably only by a dozen writers.

How on top of things are these people?

The group was allowed 15 minutes to make their statements, followed by an hour and a half of short questions and long answers. The full sessions can be viewed here. (Trying to capture these opening remarks and converting them was not so easy with dated equipment and software. The result is a good audio track to an interesting slideshow, but still a revealing glimpse into the bureaucracy that gives us the CBC in the digital age of 2009.)


  • Bytowner says:

    Not going to happen that way, as it’s never allowed to. It’s always the rank-and-filers with the actual skills and experience escorted out first, if half-remembered history’s any useful guide.

  • Anonymous says:

    These people keep talking about a business model for new media and how they want to engage Canadians in the democratic process.

    Your business model CBC is the $1.1 billion + CTF money you get from Parliament every year. As for engaging Canadians? How difficult can it be to provide programming that appeals to more than a handful of Canadians?

    When the massive layoffs at the CBC are announced shortly we can only hope that they start with this bunch of overpaid bureaucrats.

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