Psychotic politician frightens CBC performer


Sensing danger from an out-of-control politician who happened by uninvited, Geri Hall cut short her taping of an on-location performance for an upcoming CBC TV segment and got the hell out of there as soon as possible.

Media covering the event identified the disturbed individual as Peter Kormos, a long time member of the Provincial Legislature who by now apparently thinks he owns the building.
For someone who professes to value jobs, Kormos was quick to rob Miss Hall of the opportunity to complete her well-prepared assignment.

Newly released video of redneck in action


  • Mark Dowling says:

    Wasn’t Hall inside McGuinty’s newly declared Total Exclusion Zone of Personal Space?

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh, I get it, Allan. Because McGuinty and his coterie and the QP media were all amused by her antics, it’s OK.

    Sorry, but this is one of the rare times when Peter Kormos speaks for me, and I suspect most people, in pointing out how tasteless this was.

    There’s plenty of room for humour — you know that, which is why your last comment is nothing but fatuous. As I said before, it’s all about timing and judgment.

  • Allan says:

    That last line is a little below the belt.
    Geri is human, and just as sensitive as you and I.
    The skit was going well and was almost over when Kormos decided to interfere and grandstand.
    Dalton was smiling and people were all cooperating.
    A media scrum in the hallway of Queens Park is not the most serious and important event in the day to day of politics.

    Is there is no room for humour during these final days of life on earth?

  • Anonymous says:

    This was a case of bad timing and bad judgment, pure and simple. Sure, Kormos is a blowhard, but he had a legitimate case here. 22 Minutes should have realized the nature of the news conference and held fire until it was over, or picked another day.

    What’s next? Geri Hall busting into a ramp ceremony at CFB Trenton?

  • Anonymous says:

    She sure got bitch slapped.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thank you Peter Kormos for changing the face of Canadian comedy (for the better).

  • Anonymous says:

    Psychotic is a convenient term to throw around in media-blog-funland ®. Try saying it down in south Niagara, though, where even good times have been tough for years.

    Kormos is a showboater, granted. He’s stepped up on local issues for years, though — that’s why he’s been an MPP for so long.

    Stick to federal politics, Geri. What’s next? City council meetings?

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