In his speech to the Empire Club today, Hubert suggested that the CBC may have to sell anything not nailed down to make it through the tough times:
“Frankly, all the options are on the table in terms of trying to monetize some of our assets to generate some revenues.”
According to the CP, “A CBC spokesman said such a plan could mean anything from unloading Radio 3 to putting a website up for sale.”
And while Hubert is reportedly looking for “flexibility” from the government, I think we all know how that will turn out.
As Lise Lareau points out, it’s a race to the bottom, and the loser will be all Canadians.
1 Comment
This is becoming too painful to watch. Buy more American programs when having paid too much for them is a root cause of the current problem? Sell more advertising when the collapse of the ad market is given as a reason for the money woes? Sell Radio 3 at the bottom of the market for $1.99? Abrogate the Broadcast Act at will? It’s amateur hour in the executive suites. It is disingenous (and convenient) to blame the situation in 2009 for cost overuns and revenue shortfalls that happened when market conditions were good in 2008.