Easy Target

The Corporation is not out of the woods.
And it doesn’t take “a draft memo from CBC president Hubert Lacroix” leaked, somehow, to Greg Weston of The Toronto Sun, to know that all is not well.
But the CBC has many options.
And it’s not unreasonable to approach the government to assist a publicly mandated service. Particularly in a situation that is beyond their control.

So too, it’s healthy for the CBC to examine and justify itself once in a while.


  • Anonymous says:

    I wish CBC Radio well. I really, really do! Even though I spent most of my life there and finally left feeling really shitty about the place and those who run it… I do care about the people I left behind. Mostly Guild types and the odd manager. Even now when I see some nasty headline in the Sun, I feel protective of Radio. I have tried to listen to other stations in Toronto, but it is so much noise. So all I can hope for is that CBC Radio survives the present government, management and media vendetta against it. Best of luck to you all.

  • Anonymous says:

    Here, supposedly, is Hubert’s memo:


  • Dwight Williams says:

    As for Mr. Weston: enough. I’m a citizen. I’m a voter. I’m a viewer. I want CBC TV to remain operational and well-funded.

    Don’t tell me I’m wrong to want that. Ever.

  • Dwight Williams says:

    They downplayed it just a tad in the Ottawa edition, socked it away in a top corner of the front page.

    And today I saw my first Doctor Who ad…on Space in between acts of a Galactica replay. For the first of those four specials with Tennant to mark time until his successor’s ready to take over.

    I guess I know what that means, based on the incomplete hint dropped at the OSFS meeting this afternoon.


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