Bring Back The Best

What compares today to these old CBC greatest hits?
Let us know when you find something.


  • Alternative Girlfriend says:

    Sorry ’bout that, Typos.

    Hmmm, apparently I can’t find those last couple of posts on the Link Farm, so I’ll post here.

    @ Allan,you know I could never give up totally with my CBC Rants(especially now! Low Ratings, Cutbacks and Lay-Offs? OH MY!)

    What I am done with however is actually dealing or corresponding with the CBC, their Ombudsman, or The CRTC. It’s also been forever and a day since I posted on the CBC Online Public Forums, they seem to be “Delete Comment Happy” with me.

  • Alternative Girlfriend says:

    They had it. They canceled it. Schmucks.

    “the CBC canceled its most innovative and intelligent new show, to heated fan protest.”

  • Allan says:

    Leonard Cohen in the New York Times today – here

  • London says:

    It was hard finding confirmation that Hobo ran on the CBC.

    Really, mister?

    I just typed the words ‘Littlest Hobo’ into Google with one paw and the wiki came up as the first result.

    Remind me not to tug on your pant leg furiously the next time a bus full of orphanage kids slides down a ravine.

  • Allan says:

    It was hard finding confirmation that Hobo ran on the CBC. I was hoping that Jonathan Michael Reiter was right, but when you’re “little” who knows what station you’re watching.
    Trailer Park Boy Ricky still watches it.

  • Dana says:

    Maybe the title of the post should have been “One of these things is not like the other.”

  • Glen Warren says:

    Thankfully, like you, the Littlest Hobo didn’t work at CBC.

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