Good try, LeDaro.
Now do one based on something that really


  • Rod Blog-ojevich says:

    … is dictated by post title, and, where one does not exist, by (apparently) the first eight words of text separated by unnecessary hyphens.

    Like this?


  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Anonymoose at 8:44, you have identified one of the litany of failings in the Blogger system, held together as it is with baling wire, twine, and Meg and Evan’™s old socks. Post slug is dictated by post title, and, where one does not exist, by (apparently) the first eight words of text separated by unnecessary hyphens. Gee, I wonder how that works in Arabic.

    Anyway, we’™re stuck with it.

  • Fake LeDaro says:

    Anonymous 11:55 p.m. was that your first time drinking booze?

    Don’t die, Allan. And despite earlier invitations to try, don’t get a job at CBC*. Just keep pushing that ‘publish’ button, ‘cos you do a great job mugging yourself every time.

    *Though I did hear that Profac is hiring. Nyuk nuyuk nyuk.

  • Anonymous says:


    please die.

    or actually start working at the CBC.

    pick one.

  • Anonymous says:

    Way to Zing us regular morons, Allan.

    Your new system is great because now the live bookmark doesn’t show when you posted something new.

    So, yeah, really. Keep up the posts with no headlines, then when Fake Ouimet or someone else posts, it’ll be the only new content shown.

    A genius idea. You just created a powerful ‘Allan filter’ for everyone. Kudos.

    LeDaro himself would be proud!

  • Allan says:

    That’s a lot of compliments.
    Have posts always had headlines?
    Neither of these warranted a headline. They speak for themselves like a political cartoon.
    I like headlines too, when they point to something that follows or summarize.
    Here, it was simply “see this …”, which seemed understood.
    I do, however, hope to have more headlines up soon.
    And anytime you have a suggestion for one …

  • Winston Smith says:

    Good judgement call on not even bothering to come up with headlines anymore, Allan.

    Less really is more. What’s next, blog entries written in Newspeak?

    Doubleplusgood, brother!

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