Punjabi … … … Scores!

Hockey play-by-play in the 11th most widely spoken language in the world is one goal for the CBC.


  • Anonymous says:

    TLN (TeleLatino network) is doing play by play in Italian this weekend.

    from http://www.tlntv.com/hockey09.aspx

    Toronto Maple Leafs vs Vancouver Canucks
    Saturday February 21, 7pm/et

    Italian play by play by TLN sportscaster Alf De Blasisand Italian National Hockey Team Head Coach Rick Cornacchia

    Mark your calendars and get some pizzas ready for the oven, TLN Television will once again present CBC’™s Hockey Night in Canada-Italian Style!

    TLN continues to make Canadian hockey history with the second Italian language broadcast of a CBC Hockey Night in Canada game in collaboration with CBC’™s ninth annual Tim Hortons Hockey Day in Canada on Saturday February 21, 2009. Italian Canadians and the curious are invited to enjoy this unique television event as Roberto Luongo and his Canucks battle the Toronto Maple Leafs.

    Italian language colour commentary will be provided by sportscaster and renowned soccer expert Alf De Blasis alongside native Torontonian and Italian National Hockey Team head coach Rick Cornacchia. In keeping with the theme of the night, ’œHe shoots, he scores’ will become ’œGoooooooooool!!!!’

    A groundbreaking study on ethnic habits in Canada illustrated the country’s… [ more ]


  • Dwight Williams says:

    Okay, now how about Sens games in these and other languages? I think a number of my neighbours across Ottawa would appreciate it. Not just Punjabi or Hindi, but maybe Arabic and one or more of the Chinese dialects as well?

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