"one of the most respected journalists in Canada"

Great to see Patrick Brown still favouring us with his incredible reporting, as evidenced in his stories from China last night on The National. He seems to be constantly moving, and speaking with so many people. And the images are always powerful and evocative.
The quintessential foreign correspondent.
He earned a Master’s degree in social anthropology at the University of Cambridge, and has written two non-fiction books.

But the title of this post is actually from a description by the CBC of George Stroumboulopoulos.
Because the CBC has a very broad definition of the word ‘journalist’.
Such as people whose commitment to reporting is deeply rooted.
Until the instant an offer comes along to move to LA and host a game show.


  • Anonymous says:

    Funny, I also couldn’t help but think of strombo when I watched Brown’s report on migrant Chinese workers!

    As the picture of peasants toiling in the morning fog faded to black, I too was convinced: George needs to work on his journalism skills.

    Dude, who you trying to convince with this stuff?

  • Anonymous says:

    How long until Patrick is working for CTV?


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