True patriot love

“Let’s listen to songs about Canada while Obama gets sworn in!”

Under the leadership of Denise Donlon, CBC Radio 2 betrays an inclination for theatre of the absurd.


  • Allan says:

    Wait for it – July 1st – top 100 Canadian songs of all time.
    As Gomeshi demonstrated, List-o-mania is one way to stay on the air when you’ve nothing else to offer.
    Up next – top Canadian songs by women.
    Plus many other specials …
    Sweatin’ To The Seal Hunt.
    Bay Street Blues
    Music To Help You Get Through A Wrongful Conviction.
    Paul Horn In The House of Commons
    In The Key of NAFTA
    Songs To Shiver Your Timbers.

  • Anonymous says:

    Anonymous 10:11 pm:
    And what exactly would be more appropriate for a Canadian music network to play?

    How about a watered down acoustic cover of Groove is in the Heart played by a bunch of mall-hipsters propped up next to a Bell logo?

    That or which ever ‘condo-funk’ / re-release Erroll Nazareth happens to be peddling this week. Yawn.

  • Anonymous says:

    Nobody cares about a music network. It’s wallpaper.

  • Anonymous says:

    And what exactly would be more appropriate for a Canadian music network to play?

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