“I don’t think journalists should be anywhere allowed war. I mean, you guys report where our troops are at. You report what’s happening day to day.” (direct quote)
See Think Progress
“I don’t think journalists should be anywhere allowed war. I mean, you guys report where our troops are at. You report what’s happening day to day.” (direct quote)
See Think Progress
Allan, crazy stuff like thinking it’s Tod Maffin is the EXACT reason to stay anonymous. Who’s this ‘Allan’ anyway? Who jumps reckelessly into weird conclusions and theories. You could be some cooked up persona yourself. Unless and until Alphonse Ouimet changes it, this blog has always allowed anonymes and heckling.
So think of me as anybody. Or everybody. But most importantly NOBODY. You would like somebody high up at CBC or elsewhere to have some complex vendetta against you, but that isn’t the case here.
Yeah, it was going too far to use that clapped-out downtown liberal BS about good grammar. For that, I am in fact, sorry.
But am I going to tell some internet guy who I am because of his wack reasoning on justice? Peh. No thanks.
Signing in as Anonymous has a legitimate purpose.
People want to be able to express an opinion or share some information, without any repercussions, particularly in the workplace.
Your many comments, under a variety of identities, are exclusively directed at heckling me.
But in doing so you reveal a fair amount about your own character.
Why hide? What have you got to lose?
What is it that you’re afraid of? That I’m going to know who is not one of my fans?
That I’ll start a blog about you?
Why take the coward’s path?
I’m not afraid of you, or anything you have to say.
But you are clearly afraid of me, someone with an full identity, who isn’t afraid of a little criticism.
The same cannot be said of you.
Now who is this coward that wants to leave insults directed at a real person, and doesn’t want anyone in the industry to know how petty they are.
Well, we see two characteristics already running consistently through his remarks:
He’s picky about grammar and punctuation, and believes himself superior in this aspect.
He seems very much obsessed with my, how do you say, “stalking” someone.
Yet there’s only one person who has ever used that word in relation to me.
And only one person who ever brought up grammar as an issue that irritates them.
You flatter yourself, as usual.)
Translates to a bunch of gobbldegook.
How do you say
I stalk b-grade Canadian media personalities
in Latin?
Quam alius would vos vel suscipio intellego mihi.
Thanks for the laugh, J. Frank.
It’s refreshing to see the embarrassing ignorance of amateurs somewhere other Allan’s postings.
Hey Allan, he uses public school level English, just like you do!