‘Radio 2 needs time to catch on’

Greg Quill: “It’s a strange and exciting thing, and it will win its audience one by one,” though maybe Tempo might need to be shitcanned in the process.


  • Anonymous says:

    And radio 3 is responsible for
    ” Year-end sales figures released Wednesday by The Nielsen Co. show total album sales, including album equivalents made up of single digital tracks, fell to 428.4 million units, down 8.5 per cent from 500.5 million in 2007.

    Physical album sales fell 20 per cent to 362.6 million from 450.5 million, while digital album sales rose 32 per cent to a record 65.8 million units.”

  • Anonymous says:

    Greg Quill should be “shitcanned” by The Star. He might as well be a shill for the Canadian pop music establishment and current CBC management.

  • Anonymous says:

    Bring back Alan McPhee

  • Anonymous says:

    “Airplay” on Radio 3 is worthless if no one is listening. To even call it airplay is rather missing the point.

  • Eli Glasner says:

    Can Radio3?
    Serves almost no one?
    Talk to the 1000s of bands thrown a little airplay thanks to Radio 3.
    Talk to the ones who got major exposure after being put on the podcast, one of the most popular music podcasts on itunes.
    Talk to the crowds who show up for the Radio3 touring shows.
    Look at the stuff the Beeb does with BBC6.
    Radio3 is a step in the right direction.
    Now if only we get it on the radio….(sigh)

  • Anonymous says:

    And this Christmas there was a stronger movement to internet stand-alone radios, which lets Sirius out.
    As well lower car sales means fewer in-dash Sirius listeners. What was their last ‘churn’ figures?

  • Anonymous says:

    How about shitcanning Radio 3 in the process, to save some money? It costs a lot and serves almost no one.

    Sirius might generate revenue, but it’s far less than our Sirius content costs to produce. What’s worse, the actual numbers are secret.

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