"I knew the CBC had been looking at my blog"

CBC Maritimes is looking for a good internet story.
So stop pedaling, John, and make up your mind.


  • Anonymous says:

    I tell you what, John:

    Stop posting the IP addresses of your visitors, and we won’t mention to anyone that you have more than one girlfriend. Ok?

  • John A. Ardelli says:

    On November 23, 2008 12:46 PM, Allan wrote:

    Have you looked into the specific law that’s being violated?

    Yes I have; I cite the appropriate section of the Criminal Code of Canada on my blog.

    Is there sufficient evidence to warrant intervention by the courts?

    Yes; this person made a direct threat against me. I think that’s why CBC is interested; this looks like it’s going to go somewhere.

    And you’ll have to define the culprit in terms other than “troll”, which is more often just a word people throw around to insult others in an online forum.

    Well, I’ve been referring to this person as “the troll” on my blog since day one; at this point, new developments notwithstanding, it’s just an easy shorthand to refer to this person, at least until I have their real name (and I will eventually).

  • Allan says:

    John, you have to lay a charge or file suit or there’s no story of interest to the CBC.
    Have you looked into the specific law that’s being violated? Is there sufficient evidence to warrant intervention by the courts?
    And you’ll have to define the culprit in terms other than “troll”, which is more often just a word people throw around to insult others in an online forum.
    Personally, I think Sockpuppet’s are far worse.

  • John A. Ardelli says:

    I don’t have to make up anything until I lay charges against my troll. As of right now the story doesn’t have an ending. You can’t tell a story that doesn’t have an ending; even the CBC told me that they wanted to know when I charged the troll which is, when I assume, they would consider the end of the story.

    In any event, I have made up my mind since I wrote that post; if the CBC is interested in interviewing me, I’ll be happy to oblige. ;)

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