A guest post from… take a wild guess. (See associated picture.)– Fake Ouimet I think it was last year when Ouimet published a YouTube video from Al-Jazeera.The announcer was inviting comment and opinion, even in the form of videos, and promised to broadcast as many of them as they could.This was startling, and encouraging. So very different […]
Monthly Archives: October 2008
October 1, 2008 – 10:38 am
Somebody asked in the comments section – amid mildly rephrased calls for my beheading – why the Tea Makers wasn’t covering Heather Mallick. Because you all read about her already and this isn’t a general CBC news aggregator, I said. (And because Allan covered the issue.) Nonetheless, I read CBC ombudsman Vince Carlin’s report on […]
Who taught Winnie the Pooh to live like that?
October 1, 2008 – 6:03 am
MVP paraphernaila at Word on the Street.
Boner Week (3)
October 1, 2008 – 5:27 am
The first couple of days, these contest announcements sailed right through. Then somebody decided they don’t apply here and slapped this banner on the screen (clobbering captions, incidentally).