Boner Week (2)

I guess I spoke too soon on this one.

Caption: You’re local news is next


  • Jordan says:

    “How can you justify putting up that photograph "in place of" a submission.
    That move says a lot, more than you realize."

    I’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve complained about this, which I suspect says a lot about you, Allan. Specifically, that you’re at least as vainglorious as you consider Joe to be. “You dare not publish me immediately and without question? Do you even know who I am?!” is the impression I get as I read through these endless cavils.

    It’s like you have some crazy OCD-like incapability of making a comment which doesn’t, at some point, launch into a personal criticism of Joe‒who has been a heck of a lot more polite to you than you have to him. Say all you want about Joe’s editorial style, maybe you should have started your own blog: “Inside Joe Clark”. Heck, the guy isn’t even allowed to sleep!

    Well, you won. Not only did you hound him out, but you nicely demonstrated why he doesn’t allow comments on his blog. (Which, by the way, is the same reason people shouldn’t put their phone numbers online.) And you’ve won a second victory: I never, ever want to engage you in any sort of dialogue‒ever!‒so I will not comment on this blog under this name again. There you go.

  • kev says:

    This is great stuff lads, keep it up.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    I don’t think I have treated your work “with derision,” Allan. And I question whether your last submission, which you obsessively post comments over, is long enough. Wouldn’t it fit in a Twitter message?

  • Allan says:

    Order shmorder.
    How can you justify putting up that photograph “in place of” a submission.
    That move says a lot, more than you realize.
    If you treat us with disrespect, that also says a lot about you.
    I’m disgusted with the way Tea Makers has become no fun at all.

    You need to cultivate talent, value each person’s contribution as much as you do your own “brilliance”.
    All this bitching is the best thing CBC management could hope for – a house divided.
    When you treat others’ work with such derision, then aren’t you suggesting readers do the same?
    I am so pissed off with what you’ve done here, joe.
    Don’t tell me to get used to it.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    What you call delaying, Allan, I call getting a good night’s sleep.

    What you call burying I call default reverse chronological order.

    As I explained to you already, you have a 100% success rate in guest posts and 100% of guest posts have been yours. If you are arguing with success, it is your own success you are arguing with.

    Special note to everybody else: The Tea Makers comment section was not ever and is not off-limits to the author of Tea Makers. Get the fuck over it, and please quote me on that.

  • Allan says:

    Mary Walsh knows better than anyone how you shape constructive criticism … right here …

    Hey, I just recently came into a picture of joe to throw on there.

  • Allan says:

    The time for you to step up, Johnny, is long overdue.
    You can get through to that BONERhead joe.
    His game is sick and self-serving but it need not dissuade you.
    Why let the turd win?
    Demand to be heard. joe won’t last.
    The only presence around here that’s forever is Anonymous.

    Where’s my other post, joe clark?
    Did your non-existent cat eat it?
    Waiting until you have another picture of yourself or another boner to dump on top of it?

    You could have spared us all this conflict if you just printed what came in and moved on, AND left the comments section alone.
    That would have earned you the respect you hunger for, instead of pretending in your mind that you were publishing the Atlantic Monthly.
    It hasn’t worked, joe. Time to take a new approach, and not keep digging a deeper hole.
    You’re actually happy to let the place devolve into nothing more than internal squabbling, because in your perverted view if joe can’t win then no one can win.

    I don’t regret fighting to keep this URL alive, even against a worse enemy than Stursberg.
    You see what happens when you allow Communism to take over?

  • Johnny Happypants says:


    You can’t argue with a charmless moron like Joe. He’s destroyed this site.


  • Allan says:

    But you clearly don’t want submissions, joe.
    You delay and then bury them, with a picture of yourself no less.
    So what is the point of taking over Tea Makers, and dressing yourself up in the layout of someone else’s reputation?
    That the world may gaze upon a picture of joe in front of a poster.

    Your bitter old man ego is stifling any chance of meaningful conversation.
    Did you lose my other submission, or did you merely put a time interval on making sure everyone had sufficient chance to bask in the glow of joseph clark?
    What are you listening to, joe? Burning Down The House?

  • Aigle says:

    This is now beyond masochism. The near OCD responses to any foreign-generated comments is just too disturbing to watch. It’s becoming the antithesis of all that ver. 1.0 desired, aspired to and began to achieve.

    I am sure it took a lot of work to make New Coke…maybe the chemists had to work on it _every_day_.

    I can practice basketball every day and still suck.

    There is a reason New Coke died. This usurpation is not fit to wear the really ugly pink and yellow banner.

    This round is lost. I’ve managed to avoid bitterness and by gum, I’m not gonna let some pipsqueak wannabe brainwash me with his digital Tourette’s.

    If there is any meaningful forum left from the energy of the blogline, let me know.

    Otherwise, please fade to black.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    We’ve been through this before. While Ouimet Classic had the advantage of overhearing things in the elevator, let’s not exaggerate.

    Oh? And by the way? Guest posts are solicited. And not just by Allan. As are news tips.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    You need to reread the archives since July.

  • Anonymous says:

    You both do.

    I don’t care about the change in styles, focus, who’s in charge or who gets offended.

    But the premise of the original Teamakers was that *making CBC better* was at the heart of the tough love.

    Neither of you have given any indication that you want a better CBC – it’s an unending stream of criticism. And believe me, kids, there’s enough of that out there already.

    I guess constructive criticism is hard.

  • Allan says:

    Let’s put joe clark in charge of Tea Makers and destroy it forever.
    Is that the deal you made with Ouimet?
    Or with Stursberg?
    Seems that the most important thing here is joe clark.
    Not the CBC, not the readers, not media in Canada.
    Just joe feeling good about himself, righteous even.

    You’re now part of the problem, joe.
    The very issue that gave rise to blogs about the CBC.
    The lack of diverse opinions, the controlling of artistic expression.
    The playing dumb because you think you can get away with it.
    With no apology to the Bill of Rights, and no concern for anything not reflected in the bosses’ mirror.

    It holds the country back.
    It takes all the daring and courage out of the equation.
    It’s very CBC.

    Isn’t there not enough of that?
    Was not Tea Makers once the anti-dote?

    You’re making me very unhappy.
    You get 5 Stars for douchebaggery.

  • Allan says:

    Another spelling mistake!
    There’s certainly no underestimating your proclivity for the petty, joe.
    This is the best you can do today?
    The CBC is safe again, and can breathe another sigh of relief.

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