Boner Week (1)

A few amusing or embarrassing photos of CBC dyscaptionisms and dyschyronisms.

Chyron reads Henery Champ CBC NEWS


  • Anonymous says:

    seriously, nothing about Heather Mallick. Just typos? Don’t you have your own blog for that sort of thing?

  • Allan says:

    Holy fuck, joe. A spelling mistake gives you a boner? Or did you just catch Morningwood on Letterman?
    Good lord, you can’t see that insidecbc is dead and that you’re talking to a wall?
    You have nothing to add so you resort to links to the archives?
    What the hell is this?
    You reprint almost the entire CBC news release? Yeah, that’s good use of Tea Makers! And you expect them to confirm that Richard actually said those things.
    Here, have a clue, joe.
    The release is a formality, and that’s how you talk when you’re in management.
    Use it to learn from.
    The insidecbc blog is kaputski, and the Oct closing date is automatically generated after Tod’s BS is posted. He has no intention of making one more peep there. Otherwise, when does it ever end?
    His last effort was merely to copy and paste the CBC release.
    How totally fitting!

    And now you turn to archives and expect people to click and go elsewhere. Then why bother looking at Tea Makers if the story is elsewhere.
    Don’t you get it?
    What worth does your journalism degree have to be handing out such shit. (and using terms like “shitcanned” – so archaic, are you emulating Doylie now?)
    Get off your ass and write something.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    From a strictly descriptivist standpoint, there are no “incorrect” variant pronunciations once enough people use them.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    From a strict descriptivist standpoint, “nookyuler” is merely a variant pronunciation.

  • Anonymous says:

    not nearly as embarrassing as Land & Sea's otherwise enjoyable doc on Uranium mining on Sunday.

    Over and over, the narrator mispronounced "nuclear," using the classic Dwight Einsenhower/George W Bush mispronunciation NU-CU-LAR.

    It went on and on, dozens of times, interspersed with clips of interviewees pronouncing it correctly.


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