What’s new at Inside the CBC

“CBC Radio gets new executive director”:

From a CBC News Release:

– which says it all right there, but let’s continue –

CBC English Services has filled the important radio leadership chair in the country with its appointment today of renowned media executive Denise Donlon as executive director of radio, effective September 29, 2008. […]

“Denise is without question one of the broadcasting industry’s most talented and dynamic organizational leaders,” says Richard Stursberg…. “She is both a proven administrator and team builder and a champion of creativity, artistic excellence and social responsibility. Her media experience and knowledge will complement and strengthen the mandate of CBC Radio, which is to engage all Canadians through its unique position as a non-commercial national public radio service.

“In addition to her professional attributes, she has developed a prodigious network of relationships throughout the entertainment, government, business, humanitarian and environmental communities in Canada and around the world,” Stursberg said. “All of which is useful to her leadership of CBC Radio, given its enormous range of programming which includes news, current affairs, the arts and, of course, the best music on Canadian airwaves.”

“I’m delighted to join CBC, as I’ve always believed in a strong and vibrant public broadcaster,” Donlon says. “CBC Radio is on a tremendous roll right now, launching exciting new programming that is engaging and meaningful to diverse audiences, reflecting all Canadians. These are exciting times and I believe CBC Radio is well-positioned to enhance its reputation as the country’s best and most vital radio service.”

I left a comment, of course:

Fake Ouimet says:
I think it’s great how Inside the CBC is now a publishing platform for stultifying news releases. Can you verify that the direct quotes were actually uttered as written?

Response? “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” But comments don’t close till October 8! There’s still hope!


  • Allan says:

    "I don’t do politics" either, joe, but I will address "stupidity".
    Just like Vince Carlin.
    When Mallick declared that every man affiliated with the Republican Party is sexually inadequate, you quickly realize that she has lost her mind, failed mathematics, and isn't getting any.
    If sexual activity were a measure of political ideology, then Sarah Palin must be a Democrat.
    Feather(brained) Mallick is an idiot, and there's a place for people like that.
    At the Globe & Mail.

  • Anonymous says:

    speaking of links, some of your latest links are head-scratchers.

    The Quebec/Moncton producer’s union? Why?

    It would be interesting only as an example of the CBC’s weakest union.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    As ever, Allan, you underestimate me. It was a conscious editorial choice not to discuss, or even link to, any of the dozens of newspaper articles and blog posts on the subject.

    First, half of you subscribe to the same Google Alerts I do, though I expect I have a few that would surprise you. That particular topic was inescapable even without those. It had been covered. Nonetheless, when coverage became meta enough that it reached Romenesko, I Delicioused it, thereby making it even more meta.

    Second, I don’t do politics. This is merely a personal preference.

    The Tea Makers is not a general news aggregator about the CBC.

  • Allan says:

    To ww about Mallick.
    Vince Carlin agrees with Tea Makers!
    Because Vince Carlin is a smart and sober adult.

    As for Mallick, it is a fact that only the most desperate, lonely women, women with a poor self image of themselves and of their gender, could ever in a million years find even the smallest thing attractive about John Doylie.
    Mallick doesn’t have half the guts of Sarah Palin, and is out-of-this-world jealous that a woman (a woman!) has gotten this far.
    Either that or Heather had a few too many ounces of liquid courage when she was writing that absurd diatribe.
    It was outrageous, but not funny outrageous. More like ridiculous outrage.
    Poor Heather, desperate for John’s attention.

    and joe … you should have been leading with this story instead of linking. ww has a better nose for news

  • ww says:

    Any comment either here – or at inside cbc or by other cbc bloggers – on the Heather Mallick article issue and Vince Carlin’s assessment?
    “As a public broadcaster we have an added responsibility to provide an array of opinions and voices to complement our journalism. But we must do so carefully. And you should be able to trust us to provide you with work that’s based on solid reporting and free from the passionate excesses of partisanship.

    We failed you in this case. And as a result we have put new editing procedures in place to ensure that in the future, work that is not appropriate for our platforms, will not appear. We are open to contentious reasoned argument but not to partisan attack. It’s a fine line. …end quote

    and Quote:
    CBCNews.ca will soon expand the diversity of voices and opinions and be home to a diverse group of writers with many perspectives. In this, we will better reflect the depth and texture of this country.

    We erred in our editorial judgment. You told us in no uncertain terms. And we have learned from it.
    end quote

  • Anonymous says:

    What’s with this Jeff Keay letter in Saturday’s Globe?

    We have always used a judicious amount of popular non-Canadian programming in the fringe periods of prime time to help generate revenue and attract viewers to the balance of our overwhelmingly Canadian schedule. [my emphasis]

    Always? Are you sure?

    While he gets the economics of running American programming correct, I seem to remember several years of all-Canadian prime time.

  • Anonymous says:

    “insidecbc” is now just a web version of Groupwise spam. Don’t expect any comments at all.

    But, for the record, here’s my comment, also “awaiting moderation”:

    So, another Radio Head who’s never worked in radio.

    Combined with the current influx of announcers who haven’t worked in radio either, you have to wonder how seriously the CBC takes its senior service these days.

    I believe we’ve lost our Vice President too.

    I can’t actually remember/be botherd to verify if the last claim is true. Anyone?

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