More to ‘The Point’

Another guest post from the man we used to see only at Christmas dinner and at funerals, Allan.
– Fake Ouimet

We’re all too familiar with the slippery-smooth smarmy style of Ghomeshi, and of the pitter-patter of the small ideas of George – and now comes along Aamer.
I’ve not yet heard Aamer’s new show on Radio 1, which would tend to make it awkward to write about it.
The CBC Web people aren’t helping much either. The Web site for The Point cannot even confirm for me that the show has actually aired as it was expected to on September 15. There’s no podcast, and a blank page when you try to see who all these new people are who will be on the show.

But I can share this with you – I met Aamer a few years ago when he was doing a Breakfast Television thing in Vancouver, and I was impressed. Enough anyways to say that here we might actually get some reasonably smart and interesting discussion about topics that interest us, Jesse Brown included.

Aamer has the potential to make George and Jian look like teenyboppers, though he’ll no doubt want to be a team player.
The CBC is even forcing him to do a “blog.” And yes, it’s pitiful.
He’s very courteous, and that always fits in.
Yet he struck me as someone who was not concerned with meeting “stars,” but rather “everyone.” I assumed that he knew just as well as his fellow broadcasters that the easy way to celebrity status was to hang with celebrities until you think you are one. Aamer seemed interested in something else, in people’s ideas of who they are and what they think.

Of course in the hands of the CBC who knows what will happen to him.

The CBC still seems reluctant to accept that you can be a reasonably good and worthwhile person even if you’re not polite.


  • Anonymous says:

    The first show is the 29th, but I’ve already heard clips of the show in a promo.

    It sounded a hell of a lot like Freestyle. Ouch.

  • Renée says:

    Hi Fake Ouimet,

    I am writing from Media Profile – we do media relations for CBC. We don’t make a habit of blanketing bloggers with press releases so I wanted to let you know that The Point’s first show is Monday September 29th at 2:00pm.

    Let me know if you’d like any more info.


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