Bons mots from my esteemed colleague M. Weisblott’s Eye Weekly cover story on Radio 2:
- “[B]ased on the first week of Radio 2 Morning… the mix is one even more likely to discourage teenagers from loitering in a subway stationâ€
- “Much like the way Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony remained part of his Å“uvre even after someone turned it into a tacky disco song, Radio 2’s programming philosophy involves playing plenty of favourites as bait to help listeners learn about something newâ€
- “[I]s it sheer narcissism that motivates people to feel that the power of the radio medium automatically improves whenever it’s playing their song?â€
heard damnit, heard
God knows who’s giving that guy head
Damn, I just head Ghomeshi mispronounce “pas de deux”, in a billboard where he said, get this, “we know how to say pas de deux“.
Uh, no you don’t.