‘Torchwood’ star in gay stripper shocker

Homosexualist ginger Gavin Crawford takes homosexualist sci-fi star John Barrowman to homosexualist strip club, ambisexualist swingers’ club. Film at 11:00.


  • Enik S. says:

    Just as long as they didn’t get it on with each other. Now that would have been shocking.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Don’t make me kill the joke, Dwight! I’m having trouble with my “wit” levels as it is.

  • Dwight Williams says:

    We’re supposed to be shocked?

    This is John Barrowman under discussion here. Given his current “character best known for playing” status, this is about as shocking as a cattle rancher walking into a slaughterhouse and being expected to be themselves shocked by the nature of the work going on there. It ain’t happening, friend.

    And for the record, I’ve been enjoying his work on Doctor Who. Friends of mine have sworn by his Torchwood work as well, but I haven’t gotten around to that yet.

    The only ones I expect to be annoyed and shocked by this news are the usual suspects: McVety and his ilk.

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