Newsworld Calgary euthanized

32 casualties.
Ian Morrison:

“It would be a great idea to reduce the bureaucratic over-burden, particularly at senior management levels within the broadcast centre in Toronto, and to deploy such resources — to use Mr. Cruickshank’s words — for grassroots, people on the street.”


  • Allan says:

    The answer to your dilemma is far more simple. Instead of repeatedly calling on security, simply try more fibre in your diet.

  • Anonymous says:

    Call security now and have that freak Allan removed form the building permanently – and don’t let him make anymore comments on the Teamakers because he’s bad new – when I see his name I become irritable and annoyed. Allan sucks.

  • Allan says:

    You get the impression that the CBC is going through another one of those restless phases, usually heralded with a eureka moment.
    One moment, it’s just the bestest idea to put Nancy Wilson in Calgary against a slightly altered set than is in Toronto. But really, how long did it take for it to sink in that she might as well have been broadcasting from the moon with Lynn Russel for all the difference it made.
    And now another phase of enlightenment, and what was perfect before, becomes something that “didn’t make any sense any longer”. Finally succumbing to the most rational and obvious conclusion.
    You don’t re-locate news just to do it from a studio.

    So bureaucrats do what bureaucrats do.
    But no amount of shuffling for efficiencies is going to reduce the suck factor of Newsworld.

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