Even Websensers get a break from Websense sometimes

The Globe and Mail takes a look at industrial-strength corporate internet censors:

The challenge:
As a maker of software that blocks access to Internet sites, WebSense Inc. of San Diego, Calif., was worried that it would be difficult to attract young, tech-savvy employees if they knew ahead of time they would be heavily monitored.

The solution:
Employees are allowed Internet personal use two hours a day.


  • Anonymous says:

    iNudes, not only does IT filter too much (who cares if something is “tasteless?) but there are also lots of false positives that the filters trip up on.

    Websense is just lazy management. IT was always able to monitor web use, the very few problematic users could have been dealt with individually, instead of putting automated restrictions on everyone.

  • iNudes says:

    Well in fairness, CBC doesn’t block access to personal sites — it’s porn, gambling, “offensive sites” etc.

    Are you saying that we should all have a break to go download dirty movies and check in what the white supremacists are up to?

    btw, I think they must have removed most of the restrictions for journalists. When I tried to get a blocked websense message (to compare it with the tea makers screen) nothing would trip it…it let me into playboy, gambling websites etc.

    Can anyone else confirm this? I don’t want to ask IT, lest they take away my access!

  • Anonymous says:

    If you want to work for the CBC be prepared to give up part of your soul – they own you.

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