Tessa Sproule explains how she was inspired by the Norweigans to push for the BitTorrenting of Canada’s Next Great PM. Guinevere Orvis says the point is for the “show to be as accessible as possible, to as many Canadians as possible, in the format that they want it in.”
Can someone give these 2 a raise?
Paul Gorbould writes about reworking the CBC digital archives site. His pet project with web pioneer Joe Lawlor is to preserve snapshots of CBC.ca for future generations of historians.
Can someone give these 2 a case of blank DVDs?
De facto Age of Persuasion podcast.
(scroll down)
Peer to Peer bittorrent?
Both of them will overwhelm each other’s bandwidth and give up after the first five minutes.
Few will wait while the first person’s file is complete to tag along.
The is politics, not the lame humour of Mercer,22,Farcial.
And didn’t Stursberg proclaim that less than a million meant death?
Brave New Waves has been on Bittorrent for years, if sporadically. The people know what they want (although I doubt they want “Canada’s next great prime minister”).
Also, the Internet Archive already has 11 years worth of cbc.ca: